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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘postgres’

    Testing user-defined functions with pgTAP

    Todor “Theo” Dimov · September 25, 2023

    How To Set Up pgTAP for Writing PostgreSQL Database Unit Tests

    Edgar Mlowe · April 12, 2023

    Find Text in Any Column of a PostgreSQL Table

    Josh Tolley · February 6, 2023

    Data Migration Tips

    Josh Tolley · February 4, 2023

    Building and Hosting a Web App with .NET 6, Postgres and Linux

    Dylan Wooters · November 3, 2022

    Upgrading PostgreSQL 14 to 15 on Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, Rocky, Alma Linux with PGDG RPM packages

    Jon Jensen · October 14, 2022

    Running PostgreSQL on Docker

    Jeffry Johar · July 27, 2022

    How to deploy a Django App with Aurora Serverless and AWS Copilot

    Jeffry Johar · June 26, 2022

    Formatting SQL code with pgFormatter within Vim

    Josh Tolley · April 26, 2022

    On Shapefiles and PostGIS

    Josh Tolley · April 2, 2022

    Using pgTAP to automate database testing

    Josh Tolley · March 16, 2022

    Database Design: Using Documents

    Emre Hasegeli · March 9, 2022

    String Processing in SQL, the Hard Way

    Josh Tolley · February 28, 2022

    Migrating a Node.js app database from MongoDB to PostgreSQL

    Phineas Jensen · February 25, 2022

    How to use regular expression group quantifiers in PostgreSQL

    Selvakumar Arumugam · January 27, 2022

    Kubernetes 101: Deploying a web application and database

    Kevin Campusano · January 8, 2022

    Fixing a PostgreSQL cluster that has no superuser

    Jon Jensen · January 7, 2022

    Ecommerce customer names with interesting Unicode characters

    Jon Jensen · December 29, 2021

    Building REST APIs with .NET 5, ASP.NET Core, and PostgreSQL

    Kevin Campusano · July 9, 2021

    Database Design: Using Composite Keys

    Emre Hasegeli · May 20, 2021

    Enumerated Types in Rails and PostgreSQL

    Patrick Lewis · April 29, 2021

    Database Design: Using Natural Keys

    Emre Hasegeli · March 15, 2021

    Job opening: PostgreSQL database administrator & developer

    Jon Jensen · November 13, 2020

    Detecting gaps in time-series data in PostgreSQL

    David Christensen · October 26, 2020

    Using CTEs to do a binary search of large tables with non-indexed correlated data

    David Christensen · October 2, 2020

    Random Strings and Integers That Actually Aren’t

    Josh Williams · July 2, 2020

    Improving max() performance in PostgreSQL: GROUP BY vs. CTE

    David Christensen · June 30, 2020

    Migrating large PostgreSQL databases

    Árpád Lajos · April 21, 2020

    Bucardo 5.6.0 Released

    David Christensen · March 1, 2020

    A Tool to Compare PostgreSQL Database Schema Versions

    Selvakumar Arumugam · February 11, 2020

    LinuxFest Northwest 2019

    Josh Williams · May 3, 2019

    How to Migrate from Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL

    Selvakumar Arumugam · January 23, 2019

    Switching PostgreSQL WAL-based Backup Options

    Josh Williams · January 3, 2019

    Building Rasters in PostGIS

    Josh Tolley · September 12, 2018

    Systematic Query Building with Common Table Expressions

    Josh Tolley · June 12, 2018

    Regionation with PostGIS

    Josh Tolley · February 8, 2018

    Inserting lots of data efficiently in Rails + PostgreSQL

    Kamil Ciemniewski · December 4, 2017

    Using tail_n_mail after hours

    Greg Sabino Mullane · October 23, 2017

    Using PostgreSQL cidr and inet types, operators, and functions

    Phineas Jensen · September 28, 2017

    Working on production systems

    Greg Sabino Mullane · September 27, 2017

    Postgres migrating SQL_ASCII to UTF-8 with fix_latin

    Greg Sabino Mullane · July 21, 2017

    Amazon AWS upgrades to Postgres with Bucardo

    Greg Sabino Mullane · June 6, 2017

    DBA Revenge: How To Get Back at Developers

    Josh Williams · April 1, 2017

    Postgres WAL files: best compression methods

    Greg Sabino Mullane · March 28, 2017

    Postgres statistics and the pain of analyze

    Greg Sabino Mullane · December 7, 2016

    Throw It Away: Suppressing Writes on PostgreSQL Replicas

    Josh Williams · November 30, 2016

    Postgres connection service file

    Greg Sabino Mullane · October 26, 2016

    Postgres schema differences and views

    Greg Sabino Mullane · October 14, 2016

    pg_healer: repairing Postgres problems automatically

    Greg Sabino Mullane · September 19, 2016

    Executing Custom SQL in Django Migrations

    Szymon Lipiński · September 17, 2016

    Disabling Postgres constraints for pg_dump

    Greg Sabino Mullane · July 13, 2016

    WAL-based Estimates For When a Record Was Changed

    Josh Williams · July 1, 2016

    Postgres migration speedup with table change analysis

    Greg Sabino Mullane · June 13, 2016

    Bucardo replication workarounds for extremely large Postgres updates

    Greg Sabino Mullane · May 31, 2016

    Postgres concurrent indexes and the curse of IIT

    Greg Sabino Mullane · April 28, 2016

    New Features in PostgreSQL 9.5

    Szymon Lipiński · April 7, 2016

    Loading JSON Files Into PostgreSQL 9.5

    Szymon Lipiński · March 3, 2016

    Converting JSON to PostgreSQL values, simply

    Szymon Lipiński · February 29, 2016

    Storing Statistics JSON Data in PostgreSQL

    Szymon Lipiński · February 24, 2016

    Postgres 9.5: three little things

    Greg Sabino Mullane · January 28, 2016

    PostgreSQL Point-in-time Recovery: An Unexpected Journey

    David Christensen · January 15, 2016

    Postgres checksum performance impact

    Greg Sabino Mullane · December 31, 2015

    Odd pg_basebackup Connectivity Failures Over SSL

    Josh Williams · November 13, 2015

    Pgbouncer user and database pool_mode with Scaleway

    Greg Sabino Mullane · September 24, 2015

    Bucardo replication from Postgres to sqlite and mariadb using pgbench

    Greg Sabino Mullane · August 12, 2015

    Streaming Replication time lag monitoring added to check_postgres

    Josh Williams · August 10, 2015

    Selectively firing Postgres triggers

    Greg Sabino Mullane · July 15, 2015

    How fast is pg_upgrade anyway?

    Greg Sabino Mullane · July 1, 2015

    Postgres “unsupported frontend protocol” mystery

    Greg Sabino Mullane · May 28, 2015

    Connected to PgBouncer or Postgres?

    Greg Sabino Mullane · May 18, 2015

    PgConf 2015 NYC Recap

    David Christensen · April 6, 2015

    Postgres searchable release notes—​one page with all versions

    Greg Sabino Mullane · March 11, 2015

    Postgres ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK explained

    Greg Sabino Mullane · February 24, 2015

    Postgres pg_dump implicit cast problem patched!

    Greg Sabino Mullane · February 16, 2015

    Postgres custom casts and pg_dump

    Greg Sabino Mullane · February 10, 2015

    A few PostgreSQL tricks

    Josh Tolley · January 30, 2015

    Postgres session_replication role - Bucardo and Slony’s powerful ally

    Greg Sabino Mullane · January 28, 2015

    PGConf.US NYC: "Choosing a Logical Replication System"

    David Christensen · January 22, 2015

    DBD::Pg escaping placeholders with backslashes

    Greg Sabino Mullane · January 12, 2015

    DBD::Pg: one ping to rule them all

    Greg Sabino Mullane · January 7, 2015

    Bucardo replication trigger enabling

    Greg Sabino Mullane · December 22, 2014

    MySQL to PostgreSQL Migration Tips

    David Christensen · November 26, 2014

    When Postgres will not start

    Greg Sabino Mullane · November 24, 2014

    Dear PostgreSQL: Where are my logs?

    Josh Tolley · November 12, 2014

    Where is pg_ctl on CentOS 6 for Postgres 9.3?

    Spencer Christensen · November 7, 2014

    Postgres copy schema with pg_dump

    Greg Sabino Mullane · October 9, 2014

    Solving pg_xlog out of disk space problem on Postgres

    Greg Sabino Mullane · September 25, 2014

    Analyzer Reports with Geo Map Option in Pentaho 5 BI Server

    Selvakumar Arumugam · September 12, 2014

    PyOhio 2014: Python FTW!

    Josh Williams · July 31, 2014

    PostgreSQL conflict handling with Bucardo and multiple data sources

    Greg Sabino Mullane · July 24, 2014

    Version differences via GitHub from the command line

    Greg Sabino Mullane · July 9, 2014

    Class is in Session: CartoDB

    Bianca Rodrigues · June 30, 2014

    Version 5 of Bucardo database replication system

    Greg Sabino Mullane · June 23, 2014

    DBD::Pg, array slices, and pg_placeholder_nocolons

    Greg Sabino Mullane · May 25, 2014

    Custom plans prepared statements in PostgreSQL 9.2

    Greg Sabino Mullane · April 28, 2014

    Speeding Up Saving Millions of ORM Objects in PostgreSQL

    Szymon Lipiński · April 11, 2014

    Filling Gaps in Cumulative Sum in Postgres

    Szymon Lipiński · April 8, 2014

    Setup Rails Environment with PostgreSQL on Apple Mac OS X

    Selvakumar Arumugam · March 14, 2014

    Bucardo, and Coping with Unicode

    Josh Tolley · March 12, 2014

    DBD::Pg prepared statement change

    Greg Sabino Mullane · February 28, 2014

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