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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    How To Set Up pgTAP for Writing PostgreSQL Database Unit Tests

    Edgar Mlowe

    By Edgar Mlowe
    April 12, 2023

    A steep, green mountain slope divides the image with a steep diagonal downwards and to the right, reaching the bottom of the frame two thirds of the way to the right edge of the image. A small, red-roofed Georgian church sits on it. Another hill sinks down and to the left, creating an apex at the bottom. In the background, framed by these asymmetrical diagonals, is a tall, rocky ridgeline lined with snow anywhere the rocks aren’t too steep to hold it.

    In a previous blog post, my colleague Josh Tolley introduced the concept of using pgTAP, a set of Postgres functions designed for writing unit tests within the database. This post will serve as a supplement to Josh’s post, focusing on the process of setting up pgTAP for testing a Postgres database.

    Installing & setting up pgTAP

    Note: make sure you have Postgres installed on your system. If you don’t have it, you can follow the Postgres documentation to learn how to install it.

    To install pgTAP for Postgres, you will need to follow these steps:

    1. Download the pgTAP source code from its GitHub repository.

      git clone https://github.com/pgtap/pgtap.git
    2. Navigate to the pgtap directory.

      cd pgtap
    3. Install with make.

      make && make install
    4. Finally, connect to your Postgres database using psql or any other Postgres client and run the following SQL command to create the pgTAP extension.


    Now you should have pgTAP installed and ready to use in your Postgres database. If you face issues with installation, visit the pgTAP documentation for further help.

    Writing simple database tests with pgTAP

    Test to check if a table exists:

    SELECT plan(1);
    SELECT has_table('public', 'your_table', 'Table your_table should exist');
    SELECT finish();

    Test to check if a column exists in a table:

    SELECT plan(1);
    SELECT has_column('public', 'your_table', 'your_column', 'Column your_column should exist in your_table');
    SELECT finish();

    Test to check if a function returns the expected result:

    SELECT plan(1);
    SELECT is(your_function(), expected_result, 'your_function() should return expected_result');
    SELECT finish();

    More pgTAP tests

    Test to check if a trigger is triggered

    Consider the following example. We have a table named employees and a table named audit_log. When a new employee is added to the employees table, a trigger named insert_employee_trigger fires and logs the new employee’s ID and creation timestamp in the audit_log table. Let’s test if the trigger gets fired and produces the expected outcome.

    Create the tables.

    CREATE TABLE employees (
      name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE audit_log (
      employee_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
      created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL

    Create the trigger and trigger function.

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_employee_trigger_function()
      INSERT INTO audit_log (employee_id, created_at) VALUES (NEW.id, NOW());
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
    CREATE TRIGGER insert_employee_trigger
      AFTER INSERT ON employees
      EXECUTE FUNCTION insert_employee_trigger_function();

    Now, write a test using pgTAP to test the trigger.

    -- Set the test plan
    SELECT plan(1);
    -- Prepare test data and perform operations that should fire the trigger
    INSERT INTO employees (name) VALUES ('John Doe');
    -- Check if the desired outcome of the trigger has occurred
    SELECT is(
      (SELECT name FROM employees WHERE id = (SELECT employee_id FROM audit_log ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)),
      'John Doe',
      'The insert_employee_trigger should have been fired and produced the expected outcome'

    Test to check if a constraint is enforced

    For this example, we’ll use the following two tables:

    • customers table with columns id and name.

    • orders table with columns id, customer_id, and amount

      • There is a foreign key constraint between the orders table and the customers table on the customer_id column.

    First, create the two tables and add the foreign key constraint.

    CREATE TABLE customers (
      name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE orders (
      customer_id INTEGER REFERENCES customers(id),
      amount INTEGER

    Now, create a test script named fk_test.sql with the following content.

    -- Create test data in customers table
    INSERT INTO customers (id, name) VALUES (1, 'Customer 1');
    -- Declare the number of tests
    SELECT plan(1);
    -- Attempt to insert an order with an invalid customer_id
    -- This should fail due to the foreign key constraint
    SELECT throws_ok(
        'INSERT INTO orders (id, customer_id, amount) VALUES (1, 969, 100);',
        'insert or update on table "orders" violates foreign key constraint "orders_customer_id_fkey"'
    -- Conclude the test and discard changes
    SELECT finish();

    Organizing and naming your test files based on Test Anything Protocol (TAP)

    Test Anything Protocol (TAP) is a convention for naming test files and organizing them within a project directory structure. The naming convention involves adding a numeric prefix to the test file name to indicate the order in which the tests should be run. For example, 00-test.sql is the first test file to be executed, followed by 01-another-test.sql, and so on.

    The project directory structure usually includes a directory called t (short for “test”) under the project root directory. This t directory contains all the test files following the TAP naming convention.

    Using this structure makes it easier to maintain and organize tests, as well as to run them in the correct order. This is especially important when tests depend on the results of previous tests, or when you want to ensure that tests are executed in a specific sequence.

    Here’s an example of a project directory structure using the TAP-related naming convention:

    ├─ src/
    │   ├── function1.sql
    │   ├── function2.sql
    │   └── function3.sql
    └─ t/
        ├── 00-test.sql
        ├── 01-another-test.sql
        └── 02-yet-another-test.sql

    In this example, the project contains a src directory for the source code (database functions) and a t directory for the test files following the TAP naming convention.

    Running your tests using pg_prove

    Now that we have written some tests using pgTAP, let’s see how we can run them. We’ll use pg_prove, a utility included with pgTAP, to automate the process and get a summary of the results.

    To run your tests with pg_prove, you’ll need to specify the name of the database you want to connect to and the path to your test file. For example, if your test file is located at t/00-test.sql and your database is named epitrax_db, you can run the following command:

    pg_prove -d epitrax_db t/00-test.sql

    When you run this command, pg_prove will execute all the tests in the specified file and print a summary of the results. The output will include the number of tests run, the number of tests passed, the number of tests failed, and any diagnostic messages or errors that were encountered.

    Here’s an example of what the output might look like:

    t/00-test.sql .. ok
    All tests successful.
    Files=1, Tests=5,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr  0.00 sys +  0.02 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.03 CPU)
    Result: PASS

    In this example, pg_prove ran one test file (00-test.sql) and executed 5 tests. All of the tests passed, so the output shows that the result was PASS.

    If any of the tests fail, pg_prove will print a detailed report of the failures, including any error messages or diagnostic information. This can help you quickly identify and fix any issues in your code.

    Using pg_prove to automate your tests can save you a lot of time and effort, especially if you have a large number of tests to run. It also makes it easy to integrate your tests into your build process or continuous integration pipeline.

    pgTAP in EpiTrax

    EpiTrax relies on Postgres and its functions, making pgTAP an ideal tool for testing the platform’s database functions, ensuring data integrity, and maintaining the robustness of the system. By utilizing pgTAP, EpiTrax efficiently validates various aspects of its database structure and behavior.


    pgTAP database unit tests provide numerous benefits, including ensuring code quality and simplifying the testing process. This guide should serve as a starting point for setting up pgTAP, and we encourage you to explore the pgTAP documentation and read the aforementioned blog post on automated database testing with pgTAP for more in-depth information on writing and running tests with pgTAP. By integrating pgTAP in projects like EpiTrax, it’s possible to improve overall database performance, stability, and security.

    postgres sql database testing casepointer epitrax
