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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘ruby’

    Key Takeaways from Practical Object-Oriented Design by Sandi Metz

    Kevin Campusano · February 27, 2024

    How to use dependent dropdowns in Microsoft Excel

    Nicholas Piano · August 2, 2023

    I wrote the same app twice, with Hotwire and Blazor Server — here’s what I learned

    Kevin Campusano · May 27, 2023

    Implementing Basic HTTP Authentication in Rails

    Kevin Campusano · January 26, 2023

    Using Devise for Authentication in Rails Without Database Stored Accounts

    Kevin Campusano · January 19, 2023

    Developing Rails Apps in a Dev Container with VS Code

    Kevin Campusano · January 13, 2023

    Updating Ruby on Rails

    Couragyn Chretien · January 12, 2023

    Rails developer job opening

    Jon Jensen · November 3, 2021

    Integrating the Estes Freight Shipping SOAP API as a Spree Shipping Calculator

    Patrick Lewis · September 28, 2021

    Enumerated Types in Rails and PostgreSQL

    Patrick Lewis · April 29, 2021

    Job opening: Ruby on Rails & Vue.js developer

    Jon Jensen · February 24, 2021

    Availity: An API for Health Insurance

    Patrick Lewis · November 16, 2020

    Shopify Admin API: Importing Products in Bulk

    Patrick Lewis · May 4, 2020

    Capturing Outgoing Email With Mock SMTP Servers

    Patrick Lewis · March 13, 2020

    Rails Exception Notification and Logging

    Patrick Lewis · October 31, 2019

    Campendium: A Responsive, Fancy Detail Page

    Steph Skardal · September 9, 2019

    Campendium v2019: A Summary of Recent Updates

    Steph Skardal · August 5, 2019

    Ruby Gem Spotlight: DRG

    Patrick Lewis · July 31, 2019

    Linting Ruby In Your Editor

    Patrick Lewis · June 27, 2019

    How to set up your Ruby on Rails development environment in Windows 10 Pro with Visual Studio Code and Windows Subsystem for Linux

    Kevin Campusano · April 4, 2019

    Eliminating Resolvers in GraphQL Ruby

    Patrick Lewis · March 29, 2019

    Converting GraphQL Ruby Resolvers to the Class-​based API

    Patrick Lewis · February 28, 2019

    Training Tesseract 4 models from real images

    Kamil Ciemniewski · July 9, 2018

    RailsConf 2018 Summary: The Train is Still Moving

    Steph Skardal · April 20, 2018

    RailsConf 2018: Communication 101

    Steph Skardal · April 19, 2018

    RailsConf 2018: Day One

    Steph Skardal · April 17, 2018

    Using FFI in Ruby

    Kamil Ciemniewski · April 16, 2018

    Ruby on Rails: Russian Translation and Pluralization

    Steph Skardal · April 12, 2018

    Recycling Web Workers: Just Proper Hygiene

    Josh Williams · March 23, 2018

    Rails Active Storage

    Gaurav Soni · March 12, 2018

    Sunsetting Piggybak, A Ruby on Rails Ecommerce Gem

    Steph Skardal · February 14, 2018

    Regular Expression Inconsistencies With Unicode

    Phineas Jensen · January 23, 2018

    End Point Featured as Global Leader in Ruby on Rails & Ecommerce Development

    Ben Witten · December 21, 2017

    wroc_love.rb 2017 part 2: The Elixir Hype

    Wojtek Ziniewicz · March 21, 2017

    wroc_love.rb 2017 part 1

    Wojtek Ziniewicz · March 18, 2017

    Ruby Fight Club

    Greg Davidson · August 31, 2016

    Creating a recent activity feed for Thredded

    Piotr Hankiewicz · August 2, 2016

    Randomized Queries in Ruby on Rails

    Kent Krenrich · May 12, 2016

    Gem Dependency Issues with Rails 5 Beta

    Patrick Lewis · May 2, 2016

    Learning from data basics II: simple Bayesian Networks

    Kamil Ciemniewski · April 12, 2016

    Writing a Test Framework from Scratch

    Phineas Jensen · April 8, 2016

    Learning from data basics: the Naive Bayes model

    Kamil Ciemniewski · March 23, 2016

    Migrating to Devise in a Legacy Rails App

    Brian Gadoury · February 22, 2016

    Updating rbenv, ruby-build on Ubuntu: ruby version not found

    Steph Skardal · November 3, 2015

    Ruby On Rails: Hash#slice With Default Values

    Kent Krenrich · July 31, 2015

    Joe Mastey at Mountain West Ruby Conference 2015

    Brian Gadoury · April 17, 2015

    RubyConf India 2015

    Selvakumar Arumugam · April 15, 2015

    wroc_love.rb a.k.a. “The best Java conference in Ruby world”

    Wojtek Ziniewicz · March 18, 2015

    Rails Recursive Sorting for Multilevel Nested Array of Objects

    Selvakumar Arumugam · October 6, 2014

    RSpec’s Anything Argument Matcher Trickery

    Brian Gadoury · September 29, 2014

    Some metaprogramming examples from RSpec

    Miguel Alatorre · September 25, 2014

    Spree Authorization Failure for Customized Role

    Matt Galvin · September 22, 2014

    Piggybak: Recent Updates and Upgrades

    Steph Skardal · September 17, 2014

    Aliasin’ and Redmine plugins

    Miguel Alatorre · September 16, 2014

    Enhancing the labelsontime.com Spree application

    Bianca Rodrigues · September 9, 2014

    Spree Commerce, Take Care When Offering Free Shipping Promotion

    Matt Galvin · August 20, 2014

    Interactive Highlighting and Annotations with Annotator

    Steph Skardal · July 15, 2014

    Rails Performance with Skylight

    Steph Skardal · June 26, 2014

    Elixir — a step in a never ending journey

    Kamil Ciemniewski · June 9, 2014

    Convert Line Endings of Mac and Windows to Unix in Rails and Test with RSpec

    Selvakumar Arumugam · April 30, 2014

    RailsConf 2014: My Sketchnote Summary

    Steph Skardal · April 28, 2014

    Building an Open Source Software-Centric Company at RailsConf 2014

    Steph Skardal · April 25, 2014

    Spree Security Update 2.x.x Error, undefined method ‘assume_from_symbol’ for Money:Class (ActionView::Template::Error)

    Matt Galvin · April 23, 2014

    RailsConf 2014: Highlights from Day One

    Steph Skardal · April 22, 2014

    2014 Mountain West Ruby Conference Day 2

    Brian Gadoury · March 27, 2014

    Mountain West Ruby Conference, Day 1

    Mike Farmer · March 25, 2014

    JavaScript Namespacing with the Rails Asset Pipeline

    Steph Skardal · March 3, 2014

    Functional Handler — A Pattern in Ruby

    Mike Farmer · January 22, 2014

    News of FreeOTP, RHEL/CentOS, Ruby, Docker, HTTP

    Jon Jensen · January 13, 2014

    New Kamelopard version

    Josh Tolley · December 16, 2013

    An update to the email_verifier gem has been released

    Kamil Ciemniewski · December 4, 2013

    Piggybak Dependency & Demo Updates

    Steph Skardal · November 21, 2013

    How to Dynamically Update A Spree Product’s Price Based on Volume Pricing

    Matt Galvin · November 8, 2013

    Specify versions for your dependencies in your Gemfiles

    Kamil Ciemniewski · November 7, 2013

    How to DRY out your Active Record queries with Squeel

    Kamil Ciemniewski · October 24, 2013

    A Solution to the Most Common Rails Authentication Problem

    Tim Case · September 24, 2013

    Buy One Get One Promotion with Spree

    Brian Buchalter · August 7, 2013

    Little Spree Big Performance Problems

    Marina Lohova · August 5, 2013

    Kamelopard update—​Panoramic camera simulation, and splines have returned

    Josh Tolley · July 16, 2013

    SFTP virtual users with ProFTPD and Rails: Part 2

    Brian Gadoury · July 10, 2013

    Use Rubygems.org To Find GitHub Source For Gems

    Tim Case · July 8, 2013

    Making use of a Unix Pipe

    Mike Farmer · June 13, 2013

    Railsbridge NYC

    Bianca Rodrigues · June 13, 2013

    Login shells in scripts called from cron

    Jon Jensen · May 28, 2013

    Isolation Test Helper for Rails Development

    Mike Farmer · May 22, 2013

    Adventures with using Ruby 2.0 and libreadline

    Kamil Ciemniewski · May 17, 2013

    Creating Smooth Flight Paths in Google Earth with Kamelopard and Math

    Josh Tolley · April 15, 2013

    Pounding Simplicity into Wiki

    Mike Farmer · April 6, 2013

    A DIY Ruby Profiler!

    Mike Farmer · April 4, 2013

    Batteries Included!

    Mike Farmer · April 4, 2013

    Code Smells: Your Refactoring Cheat Codes

    Mike Farmer · April 4, 2013

    Immutable Ruby by Michael Fairley

    Mike Farmer · April 4, 2013

    It's Time Once Again for MountainWest RubyConf!

    Mike Farmer · April 4, 2013

    MWRC Ruby 2.0 with Matz

    Mike Farmer · April 4, 2013

    Testing Anti-Patterns

    Mike Farmer · April 4, 2013

    Kamelopard Updates

    Josh Tolley · February 15, 2013

    Use Metasploit to Verify Rails is Secured from CVE-2013-0156

    Brian Buchalter · January 10, 2013

    Announcing Ruby gem: email_verifier

    Kamil Ciemniewski · December 21, 2012

    SFTP virtual users with ProFTPD and Rails: Part 1

    Brian Gadoury · December 20, 2012

    Piggybak: Roadmap Status Update

    Steph Skardal · November 6, 2012

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