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    We have the experience and knowledge to choose the right tools.

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    Payment Processing

    Connecting to your Merchant Account

    There are a lot of considerations prior to choosing a payment processor and the liability for accepting credit cards is often more than you realize. Each platform has its own requirements, obstacles, and benefits. Each store will have different needs and tolerances for risk. End Point Dev understands the complex nature of payment transactions and offers custom, 1-on-1 support for your ecommerce needs.


    End Point Dev has integrated with dozens of payment gateways, including:

    • Affirm
    • Amazon Payments
    • Apple Pay
    • Authorize.Net
    • BitPay
    • Braintree
    • CyberSource
    • Cryptocurrency
    • Google Checkout
    • Google Pay
    • JetPay
    • Paily
    • Payflow Pro
    • PayPal
    • PayPal Instant Credit
    • Stripe
    • Venmo

    We are experts at dealing with multiple currencies, complex payment routing rules, fraud prevention, and customizing critical and complex systems with custom payments logic.

    PCI Compliance

    Are you looking for help filling out SAQ A, SAQ A-EP, or SAQ-D? End Point Dev has worked with hundreds of clients on their PCI DSS compliance obligations. We’ve been deeply involved with TLS upgrades, operating system compliance, firewalls, data storage, encryption, and system security. If you need expert help assessing or improving your system security, don’t put your business at risk; get help from our experts today.

    Selecting a Merchant

    Are you new to ecommerce? Looking at changing merchants for better rates? End Point Dev consultants have been in the business for nearly 25 years and can work with you on what questions to ask and how to get the best rates for your store.

    Expert Consulting

    End Point Dev offers consulting to help you set up your payment transactions, including assistance with:

    • Understanding the liability for accepting credit cards and what you as a vendor need to do
    • Chargebacks, how they work and how they affect your business
    • Foreign currency support
    • Research and implementation of fraud identification tools
    Send us a message!

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