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    Spree and Solidus

    Expertise spree.webp
    Expertise solidus.webp

    Spree is a complete and modular open source Ruby on Rails ecommerce solution that was created and developed at End Point Dev. Since that time, we have developed and maintained many Spree projects. Our Ruby developers enjoy customizing Spree to work with both standard and custom workflows. The open source Spree and Solidus projects remain popular and we continue to support our clients using Spree.

    Both Spree and Solidus provide a base for a customizable ecommerce platform, building off of trusted Ruby on Rails gems like devise (user authentication), cancan (user authorization), ActiveMerchant (third-party payment integration), and ActiveShipment (third-party shipment integration). Core ecommerce features such as inventory and product management, advanced tax calculators, and order workflow management are included out of the box. End Point Dev has developed custom ecommerce features built on the Spree/​Solidus foundation, such as one-page checkout, app support, and advanced inventory management.