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  • Our Blog

    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts by

    Steph Skardal

    A Career Talk for 1st Graders

    December 6, 2019

    Project On-ramping: Infrastructure and Codebase

    October 21, 2019

    Campendium: A Responsive, Fancy Detail Page

    September 9, 2019

    Campendium v2019: A Summary of Recent Updates

    August 5, 2019

    Ecommerce Shakeups: Magento Acquisition and Etsy Rate Increases

    June 19, 2018

    RailsConf 2018 Summary: The Train is Still Moving

    April 20, 2018

    RailsConf 2018: Communication 101

    April 19, 2018

    RailsConf 2018: Day One

    April 17, 2018

    Ruby on Rails: Russian Translation and Pluralization

    April 12, 2018

    In-House to Consulting, Rinse and Repeat

    March 28, 2018

    Vue in Ecommerce: Routing and Persistence

    March 1, 2018

    Vue and Ecommerce: An Introduction

    February 19, 2018

    Sunsetting Piggybak, A Ruby on Rails Ecommerce Gem

    February 14, 2018

    Updating rbenv, ruby-build on Ubuntu: ruby version not found

    November 3, 2015

    Memcache Full HTML in Ruby on Rails with Nginx

    September 4, 2015

    Usability: Don’t Make Me Think and a Bookmarklet

    August 13, 2015

    RailsConf 2015 for the non-Attendee

    April 28, 2015

    How to Bring a Baby to a Tech Conference

    April 27, 2015

    RailsConf 2015—​Atlanta: Day Three

    April 23, 2015

    RailsConf 2015—​Atlanta: Day Two

    April 22, 2015

    RailsConf 2015—​Atlanta: Day One

    April 21, 2015

    RailsConf 2015: Coming Soon

    April 17, 2015

    Advanced Product Filtering in Ecommerce

    March 18, 2015

    On End Point’s Development Environment

    March 11, 2015

    Working with Annotator: Part 2

    March 4, 2015

    Updated End Point Blog Stats and Our Services

    February 10, 2015

    Another Round of Tidbits: Browser Tools, Performance, UI

    October 20, 2014

    Piggybak: Recent Updates and Upgrades

    September 17, 2014

    Adventures in Downgrading my Linode Plan

    September 9, 2014

    Customizing the Nestable jQuery Plugin

    July 29, 2014

    Interactive Highlighting and Annotations with Annotator

    July 15, 2014

    Rails Performance with Skylight

    June 26, 2014

    RailsConf 2014: My Sketchnote Summary

    April 28, 2014

    Building an Open Source Software-Centric Company at RailsConf 2014

    April 25, 2014

    RailsConf 2014 on Machine Learning

    April 24, 2014

    Rails Tips & Tricks at RailsConf 2014

    April 23, 2014

    RailsConf 2014: Highlights from Day One

    April 22, 2014

    Piggybak: Upgrade to Rails 4.1.0

    April 16, 2014

    Open Source: Challenges of Modularity and Extensibility

    April 7, 2014

    I Annotate 2014 Day 2: If it were easy, we would have already solved it

    April 5, 2014

    I Annotate 2014 Conference: Day 1

    April 4, 2014

    JavaScript Namespacing with the Rails Asset Pipeline

    March 3, 2014

    A Git and symlink mistake

    February 17, 2014

    Long-term Benefits from RailsAdmin

    February 7, 2014

    Using Google Maps and jQuery for Location Search

    January 16, 2014

    Piggybak Dependency & Demo Updates

    November 21, 2013

    Post Login Action in Interchange

    November 14, 2013

    Internal Tidbits: Links, Resources, Tools

    November 13, 2013

    jQuery contents() method

    November 4, 2013

    My Favorite Git Commands

    September 16, 2013

    Fixed Navigation Bar: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Breakdown

    September 2, 2013

    WAVE: Evaluating Web Accessibility

    July 1, 2013

    Paper Source Case Study with Google Maps API

    March 29, 2013

    jQuery Performance Tips: Slice, Filter, parentsUntil

    February 4, 2013

    JavaScript-driven Interactive Highlighting

    January 25, 2013

    Conversion Tracking via JavaScript

    January 8, 2013

    Paper Source: The Road to nginx Full Page Caching in Interchange

    January 3, 2013

    Piggybak: End of Year Update

    December 27, 2012

    Advanced Product Options (Variants) in Piggybak

    December 18, 2012

    Interactive Piggybak Demo Tour

    December 6, 2012

    Mobixa: A Client Case Study

    December 5, 2012

    Rails: Devise and Email Capitalization

    November 30, 2012

    Piggybak on Heroku

    November 12, 2012

    Piggybak: Roadmap Status Update

    November 6, 2012

    Association Extensions in Rails for Piggybak

    October 31, 2012

    Piggybak Update: Line Item Rearchitecture

    October 17, 2012

    Piggybak: The Roadmap

    October 8, 2012

    Ubuntu Dual Monitor Setup on Dell XPS

    October 1, 2012

    Piggybak: An Update on End Point's Ruby on Rails Ecommerce Engine

    September 24, 2012

    Rails 4 Highlights

    September 20, 2012

    AJAX Queuing in Piggybak

    September 18, 2012

    Company Presentation: Ecommerce as an Engine

    September 14, 2012

    Three Things: Times Two

    September 10, 2012

    Cannot parse Cookie header in Ruby on Rails

    September 7, 2012

    Musica Russica Launches with Piggybak

    September 3, 2012

    Merging Two Google Accounts: My Experience

    August 21, 2012

    Code School: Journey into Mobile Review

    July 6, 2012

    Three Things: ImageMagick, RequestBin, Responsivness

    June 28, 2012

    KISS: Slurping up File Attachments

    June 26, 2012

    .rbenv and Passenger: Working through an Upgrade

    June 22, 2012

    Company Meeting Wrap-Up

    June 18, 2012

    Popular Mobile Apps from Brian and Adam

    June 15, 2012

    Liquid Galaxy NYC Annual Meeting

    June 13, 2012

    Devise on Rails: Prepopulating Form Data

    June 8, 2012

    Three Things: Rails, JOIN tip, and Responsiveness

    May 11, 2012

    RailsConf 2012: What’s Next in Rails?

    April 26, 2012

    RailsConf 2012: Day Three

    April 25, 2012

    RailsConf 2012: Day Two

    April 24, 2012

    RailsConf 2012: Day One

    April 23, 2012

    An Introduction to Google Website Optimizer

    April 17, 2012

    Three Things: Photography, Facebook on WordPress, and the watch command

    April 11, 2012

    Web Development for HeARTs Speak

    April 4, 2012

    Three Things: frame box, Kiss Metrics, DUMP_VHOSTS

    March 30, 2012

    CanCan and RailsAdmin in Ecommerce

    March 28, 2012

    Three Things: Startups, Rails news, jQuery index

    March 23, 2012

    Firebug in Action: CSS Changes

    March 19, 2012

    A Cache Expiration Strategy in RailsAdmin

    March 16, 2012

    PHP Vulnerabilities and Logging

    March 13, 2012

    Multi-store Architecture for Ecommerce

    February 29, 2012

    Download Functionality for Rails Ecommerce

    February 8, 2012

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