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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    RailsConf 2015 for the non-Attendee

    Steph Skardal

    By Steph Skardal
    April 28, 2015

    This blog post is really for myself. Because I had the unique experience of bringing a baby to a conference, I made an extra effort to talk to other attendees about what sessions shouldn’t be missed. Here are the top takeaways from the conference that I recommend (in no particular order):

    Right now, the videos are all unedited from the Confreaks live stream of the keynote/main room, and I’ll update as the remaining videos become available.

    A Message From the Sponsors

    My husband: My conferences never have giveaways that cool.

    Me: That’s because you work in academia.

    You can read the full list of sponsors here, but I wanted to comment further:

    Hired was the diamond sponsor this year and they ran a ping pong tournament. The winner received $2000, and runners up received $1000, $500, $250. The final match was heavily attended and competitive! Practice up for next year?

    Engine Yard also put on a really fun scavenger hunt using Scavify. Since I couldn’t attend the multiple parties going on at night, this was a really fun way to participate and socialize.

    conference rails
