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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Company Meeting Wrap-Up

    Steph Skardal

    By Steph Skardal
    June 18, 2012

    End Pointers at our annual company meeting!

    Many of us End Pointers are back to work after last week’s annual company meeting of 2012 held in New York City. We attended a 3-day conference full of technical tips, client updates, and general company news. Everyone participated in live blogging during the conference, producing valuable documentation to allow us to revisit what was discussed. Here’s a list of all the articles in case you missed any, or felt overwhelmed by the articles in the RSS feed:

    Liquid Galaxy

    Liquid Galaxy: Past, Present, and Future
    Liquid Galaxy: A Tour
    Liquid Galaxy: Trials and Tribulations
    Liquid Galaxy: Google Earth Tours

    Client Updates

    Client Update: CityPass
    Client Update: Berkman Center
    Client Update: CSI
    Client Update: Paper Source
    Client Update: College District
    Client Update: Locate Express
    Client Update: World of Powersports

    Client Case Studies

    Case Study: SQL Injection
    Case Study: Working with Spree
    Case Study: Interchange Caching

    General Tips & Company News

    End Point’s Ruby Slippers
    Writing Tips
    Popular Mobile Apps

    Hosting and SysAdmin

    IPv6 Basics
    OpenSSH Tips and Tricks
    Security and Paranoia
    Chef and Puppet Overview

    Development Miscellany

    Clean Editor and Git Workflow Tips
    Git Workflows
    Popular jQuery Modules
    Tips on PayPal Integration
    RailsAdmin and Django

    Bowling night! Here we are, divided up into our teams.

    Since the majority of us work remotely, the meeting also served as a good time to socialize and visit with our coworkers. We participated in a friendly bowling competition, a “Brain” bowl, went out to dinner, and saw some popular sites in NYC.

    View from the Empire State Building.

    company conference
