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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    RailsConf 2015: Coming Soon

    Steph Skardal

    By Steph Skardal
    April 17, 2015

    Next week, I’m headed to my 6th RailsConf in Atlanta, with the whole family in tow:

    The gang. Note: Dogs will not be attending conference.

    This will be a new experience since my husband will be juggling two kids while I attend the daily sessions. So it makes sense going into the conference fairly organized to aid in the kid juggling, right? So I’ve picked out a few sessions that I’m looking forward to attending. Here they are:

    RailsConf is a multi-track conference, with tracks including Distributed Systems, Culture, Growing Talent, Testing, APIs, Front End, Crafting Code, JavaScript, and Data & Analytics. There are also Beginner and Lab tracks, which might be suitable to those looking for a learning & training oriented experience. As you might be able to tell, the sessions I’m interested in cover a mix of performance, open source, and front-end dev. As I’ve become a more experienced Rails developer, RailsConf has been more about seeing what’s going on in the Rails community and what the future holds, and less about the technical nitty-gritty or training sessions.

    Stay tuned for a handful of blog posts from the conference!

    conference rails
