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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘development’

    Client Profile: J.G. Title Company

    Juan Pablo Ventoso · December 27, 2023

    Developers: Time and Teamwork

    Greg Hanson · December 4, 2023

    How to create a Hugo website without a theme

    Seth Jensen · February 14, 2023

    Middleware: Is that still a thing?

    Richard Templet · May 26, 2022

    EditorConfig: Ending the Spaces vs. Tabs Confusion

    Jon Jensen · April 30, 2022

    Quartz Scheduler as a Service

    Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir · April 18, 2022

    Extending Your Jetty Distribution’s Capabilities

    Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir · March 31, 2022

    Code Reviews

    Kevin Campusano · March 21, 2022

    Automating reading the screen and interacting with GUI programs on X Window System

    Constante “Tino” Gonzalez · March 10, 2022

    Database Design: Using Documents

    Emre Hasegeli · March 9, 2022

    Using SSH tunnels to get around network limitations

    Zed Jensen · January 26, 2022

    Building a search suggestions feature with Node.js and Vue

    Greg Davidson · November 27, 2021

    Database Design: Using Composite Keys

    Emre Hasegeli · May 20, 2021

    Database Design: Using Natural Keys

    Emre Hasegeli · March 15, 2021

    Svelte: A compiled JavaScript front-end framework

    Kevin Campusano · December 2, 2020

    Demonstrating the HotSwap JVM

    Josh Tolley · November 25, 2020

    Rapid Test-Driven Development in Julia

    Kamil Ciemniewski · November 9, 2020

    The Pragmatic Programmer book, 20th anniversary edition

    Jon Jensen · October 16, 2020

    Jamstack Conf Virtual 2020: Thoughts & Highlights

    Greg Davidson · June 16, 2020

    An Introduction to webpack 4: Setting Up a Modern, Modular JavaScript Front-End Application

    Kevin Campusano · March 26, 2020

    Web Projects for a Rainy Day

    Elizabeth Garrett Christensen · March 25, 2020

    A Career Talk for 1st Graders

    Steph Skardal · December 6, 2019

    Reviewing the Code

    Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir · November 26, 2019

    Winning with CSS Grid and Autoprefixer

    Greg Davidson · November 4, 2019

    Project On-ramping: Infrastructure and Codebase

    Steph Skardal · October 21, 2019

    How to set up a local development environment for WordPress from scratch

    Kevin Campusano · August 7, 2019

    A tribute to Kyle Simpson’s JavaScript book series

    Árpád Lajos · July 24, 2019

    Camping in the Clouds with Terraform and Ansible

    Josh Williams · February 5, 2019

    Multi-Tenant Architecture

    Gaurav Soni · March 27, 2018

    Separate and Not Equal: Development Environments to Support People, Process, and Automation

    Dylan Wooters · January 18, 2017

    8 Simple Steps to Saner Software Development

    Dylan Wooters · November 10, 2016

    The Happy Path: An Interview with Design Strategist & Gallerist Kelani Nichole

    Liz Flyntz · November 9, 2016

    Poor Man’s Linux Remote Desktop Using VNC Server

    Ed Huott · July 21, 2016

    Tuples in C#

    Dylan Wooters · April 19, 2016

    Design for the Quotidian. Build for the 100-Year Flood.

    Jonathan Blessing · January 13, 2016

    TriSano and Pentaho at our NYC company meeting

    Jon Jensen · June 13, 2012

    Using “diff” and “git” to locate original revision/source of externally modified files

    David Christensen · December 18, 2010

    David Mamet on software development

    Jon Jensen · February 7, 2009

    The how and why of Code Reviews

    Daniel Browning · August 7, 2008

    Git PostgreSQL mirror

    Jon Jensen · November 2, 2007

    Get Out of Technical Debt Now!

    Jon Jensen · July 12, 2007