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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Code Reviews

    Kevin Campusano

    By Kevin Campusano
    March 21, 2022

    Winter scene with pine trees behind snow on tall grasses around a winding stream crossed by a primitive bridge of 8 logs, below blue sky with white clouds

    Last week, a few End Point team members and I came together to prepare a presentation on code reviews for the whole company. We went through the basics of “what”, “why”, and “how”.

    We also, and perhaps most interestingly, made several recommendations that we’ve discovered after years of doing code reviews in a variety of teams and project sizes. A series of “lessons learned” so to speak.

    I thought it’d be useful to capture that discussion in written form. Let’s start with the basics.

    What is a code review?

    Wikipedia’s article on code reviews says that a code review is…

    A software quality assurance activity in which one or several people check a program mainly by viewing and reading parts of its source code, and they do so after implementation or as an interruption of implementation.

    That is a precise but frankly wordy way to say “having somebody look at the code you’ve written”. This definition, however, touches on a few aspects that give us good insight into what code reviews are and what their purpose is.

    First up, it tells us that code reviews are a software quality assurance activity. That is, their main goal is to make sure that the code that’s being produced is of good quality.

    Second, it tells us that they are carried out by one or several people, revealing that code reviews are a team exercise. It’s the opposite of coding in isolation. Coding becomes a communal task, with input from other team members.

    It also tells us, maybe unsurprisingly, that the main focus of the review is the code itself. As the main deliverable artifact of the software development process, we should strive to make it as good as possible.

    Finally, it tells us when code reviews should happen: when implementation is done, or there’s a logical interruption of it. Meaning, once a feature is done, a user story is complete, a bug fixed. That is, when there’s a cohesive chunk of code that has been written.

    Why should we do code reviews?

    So why are code reviews important? They provide many benefits.

    First and foremost, code reviews can help improve the code’s internal quality. Productive discussion around an implementation can help improve maintainability and readability of the code when reviewers, with a fresh set of eyes, spot the potential for such improvements where the original author may have missed them.

    Also, and just as important, external quality of the code can be improved. Reviewers can help find bugs or other types of defects like security and performance issues.

    Code reviews can also serve as a knowledge sharing tool. Code written by team members of more seniority or who are more knowledgeable about the code area, business domain, or a specific tool or library, can be exemplary for other team members. They can learn from the code when conducting reviews. This has the added perk that it reduces the situations where a single person holds all the knowledge of a given system component or code area. Likewise, code review feedback provided by such an expert can have the same effect.

    Another great benefit they can bring to the table is the distribution of code ownership among all of the team members, not only the author of the code in question. When projects have strong code review habits, the code becomes something that the whole team is producing, as every line that gets to production has been seen by, and incorporated input from, many of the members of the team. Everybody owns and can feel proud of the final product.

    Finally, reviewers can sometimes just come up with better and/or simpler solutions than the ones the original author implemented. They can come up with these given their fresh perspective and maybe their experience with similar problems in other domains. Code reviews allow for these to be incorporated before the time comes to ship the code.

    What should reviewers look for?

    Simply put, reviewers should look at every aspect of the code and offer suggestions for improvements where they see fit. Google’s recommended practices compile a somewhat comprehensive list of the elements that reviewers should look for:

    • Design: Is the code well-designed and appropriate for the system?
    • Functionality: Does the code implement the requirements correctly?
    • Complexity: Could the code be made simpler? Is it understandable?
    • Tests: Does the code have correct and well-designed automated tests?
    • Naming: Are clear names for variables, classes, methods, etc. being used?
    • Comments: Are the comments clear, useful and necessary?
    • Style: Does the code follow the project’s style guide?
    • Documentation: Did the relevant documentation also get updated? Any public interface documentation or OpenAPI files for example.

    When it comes to code style, something to note is that this is where tools like linters are prettiers can be implemented to reduce human labor. Early in the project, if the team decides on the style, such a tool can be setup to automate the process of making sure that all code that gets written complies with the style guide. Some code repositories even allow for such tools to be automatically run upon every push. This makes style guide compliance not even a concern for the reviewers, because the tooling always makes sure that the code does comply.

    Who should review code?
    Who should ask for their code to be reviewed?

    Everybody in the team should be regularly reviewing code and having their code reviewed. Regardless of seniority or experience in the specific project area, domain, framework, or language. More “junior” team members benefit from reviewing code by learning new techniques, principles, technologies, and the code base itself. More “senior” team members can provide valuable input that improves the code base and other team members' skills.

    We also have to realize that the distinction between “junior” and “senior” is often blurry. Most teams have people with a variety of skill sets and experience; so everybody has the ability to offer good insight. One can always be a “senior” in one aspect of the project, and a “junior” in another.

    Even if a single reviewer can be good enough, it is beneficial to include as many reviewers as possible, lest we fall into the trap of overloading a small number of individuals by having them be in charge of most or all of the reviews. Also, like I mentioned before, two great benefits that code reviews offer are knowledge sharing and code ownership. The more people you have regularly reviewing code, the bigger they impact will they have in these two aspects.

    That said, it is always better to have somebody more experienced in the area of the code that’s changing be among the reviewers.

    When should code be reviewed?

    As Wikipedia’s definition revealed, it is ideal for code reviews to be done when implementation is done on a feature; before merging the new code into the main development branch. Most modern software development that uses a Git-based code repository uses something like GitHub’s Pull Request mechanism. (GitLab uses Merge Request instead of Pull Request: same concept, different terminology.)

    The developer creates a Pull Request when they are done implementing a feature or fixing a bug. The PR compiles all the changes (a series of commits) and turns them into a nice digestible package. This adds great visibility to the changes and makes them very easy to review before merging. Ideally, no patch makes it into the system without first being reviewed.

    Code reviews can also happen before the implementation is done. Maybe the developer wants to get the team’s input on a specific function, method, class, component or approach. If the developer asks for it specifically, it can happen at any point in their development process.

    Some recommendations

    Now that we’ve gone over the basics, let’s discuss some recommendations and pitfalls to avoid, inspired by our experience in conducting code reviews over the years.

    Keep pull requests to a manageable size

    Bigger patches make code reviews harder to perform because of the sheer volume of code that the reviewers need to work through. More code to read makes it tempting to skim over it rather than reading in depth, and makes it hard to gain a thorough understanding of the changes and offer good insight.

    So we feel like it is best to keep them as small as possible. This desire to keep things small may need to affect the overall software development process upstream. For example, making sure user stories or change requests are granular enough so that they can be fulfilled with a reasonable amount of code changes. Consider splitting bigger features into smaller, bite-sized issues to make this possible.

    Make the pull request cohesive

    PRs are better when their size is manageable, but also we need to make sure that they contain all they need to allow the reviewers to understand them completely and as a whole. There’s no need to split the changes artificially (for example, between back-end and front-end) if ultimately, they need to be pushed together to fulfill the requirement that’s being worked on, and leave the system in a working state.

    If you would like a preliminary review, ask specific questions

    Sometimes we want to get early reviews even before the implementation is complete or we’re at a logical interruption point. For such cases, a good practice is to come to the reviewers with a specific question that we’d like them to focus on.

    It can waste time if the intent of the review is not explicitly communicated: The reviewer could mistakenly do a thorough review and leave feedback on tiny details of code that’s not yet ready and not even address the specific larger aspects that the developer wants help with.

    Pair programming has the first code review baked in

    Pair programming can expedite the review process by closing the code review feedback loop, compressing it to its fastest form. In pair programming, code effectively gets reviewed as soon as it is written, bit by bit.

    If the team has more than two developers, though, there’s still great value in having the other team members, the ones not involved in the pair programming activity, review the code. They will approach it later with fresh eyes and without the shared mental context the pair had.

    Code reviews work well asynchronously

    In general, don’t make code reviews a synchronous process. Publicly available Git repository cloud hosting services like GitHub and GitLab include great tools for reviewing pull/​merge requests. We should use them to their full potential. There’s no need for a conference call or an in person meeting where everybody blocks a chunk of time to dedicate it to reviewing a PR. Everybody can do it on their own at their convenience.

    But if a member of the team is new to the process of reviewing code, it can be good to work through a few pull requests at the same time, together, till they get the hang of it.

    Give code reviews high priority

    Give code reviews a high priority within your daily tasks. It is counterproductive to let pull requests sit for a long time when a few minutes to an hour of our time can mean that a user story/​ticket can move forward through the process. If you work by organizing your increments via sprints, remember that the goal is to complete the most stories as a team. Reviewing a pull request is actively supporting that goal, even if it isn’t one of the stories/​issues you’re working on yourself.

    Make sure your PRs get the attention they need

    Don’t just “fire and forget” a pull request. If it happens that any of our patches are taking too long to be seen by other people, we don’t just abandon them and think that they are somebody else’s problem now, that our work is done. In these cases we should feel free to reach out to the reviewers and bring the PRs to their attention.

    To this end, we should leverage all the communication tools available, even outside of the code repository or code review tool, by chat, phone, issue tracking system, etc.

    Get as many reviewers as you can

    A single reviewer on a pull request can be enough. However, it is always beneficial to try to get as many eyes as possible onto a change. It improves ownership and it allows for more effective knowledge sharing. It also has the potential for more improvements on the code base, as more people, with varying strengths, look at the code and offer their feedback.

    Also try to avoid having a single person be the gatekeeper of merges. Like I said, everybody can and should participate in the activity of code reviews. Sometimes having a gatekeeper this may be desirable if, for example, CI/CD is in place in such a way that merges produce automatic production deployments. But we can always try to make sure that code that reaches the gatekeeper is already reviewed by other team members by the time it does. That way we avoid overloading them and eliminate the bottleneck or single point of failure.

    GitHub, GitLab, and similar tools provide settings to limit which users can commit to certain branches. If a process like that is needed, it can be done with help of such tools while still having PRs that many team members can review and discuss.

    Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good

    If the PR isn’t “perfect” or not “as good as it could be”, but it does not worsen the code base, and implements the changes competently, maybe there’s no need to block it. Code reviews are important, but it also is important to try to maintain momentum of delivery and avoid making developers feel nitpicked. So consider that when reviewing. There is a balancing act between deadlines, paying off and incurring technical debt, and what is “good enough”.

    In the same train of thought, it is useful to clearly label code review comments. Specifying whether the reviewer considers each comment as a question, a simple nitpick, or an actually important change.

    Top-down imposition of process is often inconvenient

    Code reviews don’t need to include a ton of software process overhead. Regardless of your process style, it can be a very lightweight practice and done at the developers’ discretion. It can be as simple as sending a diff file to a fellow developer and asking them for feedback. The tools available today make them very accessible and easy to do.

    As such, they can become very effective when the team itself manages and conducts them; as opposed to having it come to them as a predetermined specific process from management. Even a practice as beneficial as code reviews can be soured by a bad, overly strict, or dogmatic implementation.

    That’s all for now

    At the end of the day, the concept of code reviews is simple: To have somebody else look at our code, in hopes that what eventually makes it to production is as good quality as possible.

    In this article we’ve discussed many more aspects to clearly explain the promise of code reviews. We’ve given some details on how to conduct them, who is involved, and what benefits we can get from them. We also captured a series of recommendations that we have learned through experience.

    If you’re not into the habit yet, hopefully this article convinced you to give it a try!

    development culture
