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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts by

    Josh Tolley

    Find Text in Any Column of a PostgreSQL Table

    February 6, 2023

    Data Migration Tips

    February 4, 2023

    Formatting SQL code with pgFormatter within Vim

    April 26, 2022

    On Shapefiles and PostGIS

    April 2, 2022

    Using pgTAP to automate database testing

    March 16, 2022

    String Processing in SQL, the Hard Way

    February 28, 2022

    Demonstrating the HotSwap JVM

    November 25, 2020

    Cooking with CAS

    March 10, 2020

    Building Rasters in PostGIS

    September 12, 2018

    Systematic Query Building with Common Table Expressions

    June 12, 2018

    Regionation with PostGIS

    February 8, 2018

    A few PostgreSQL tricks

    January 30, 2015

    Dear PostgreSQL: Where are my logs?

    November 12, 2014

    Point Clouds on the Liquid Galaxy

    July 31, 2014

    OpenWest Conference Recap

    June 10, 2014

    Kamelopard version 0.0.15 released

    May 22, 2014

    Bucardo, and Coping with Unicode

    March 12, 2014

    Database federation performance showdown

    December 19, 2013

    New Kamelopard version

    December 16, 2013

    Kamelopard update—​Panoramic camera simulation, and splines have returned

    July 16, 2013

    Window functions in action

    June 5, 2013

    Foreign Data Wrappers

    May 13, 2013

    Dimensional Modeling

    May 8, 2013

    Creating Smooth Flight Paths in Google Earth with Kamelopard and Math

    April 15, 2013

    Kamelopard Updates

    February 15, 2013

    Chef and Puppet Overview

    June 13, 2012

    UTOSC Recap

    May 10, 2012

    UTOSC, here I come

    April 19, 2012

    Spring authentication plugin

    February 24, 2012

    Kamelopard Release

    November 30, 2011

    A comparison of Jaspersoft iReport and Pentaho Reporting

    October 2, 2011

    Giraffes and Liquid Galaxy

    August 25, 2011

    Saving time with generate_series()

    May 31, 2011

    What’s the difference?

    February 27, 2011

    PostgreSQL 9.0 Admin Cookbook

    November 29, 2010

    check_postgres meets pgbouncer

    October 22, 2010

    Anonymous code blocks

    September 23, 2010

    Reducing bloat without locking

    September 9, 2010

    Creativity with fuzzy string search

    August 10, 2010

    Distributed Transactions and Two-Phase Commit

    July 29, 2010

    Why is my load average so high?

    July 15, 2010

    The PGCon “Hall Track”

    May 25, 2010

    Using PostgreSQL Hooks

    May 12, 2010

    Using psql \o to append to a file

    March 22, 2010

    Automatic migration from Slony to Bucardo

    February 1, 2010

    Automatically building Pentaho metadata

    November 4, 2009

    PL/LOLCODE and INLINE functions

    November 3, 2009

    Pentaho Reporting 3.5 for Java Developers

    October 28, 2009

    Fun with SQL

    October 10, 2009

    More PostgreSQL and SystemTap

    August 5, 2009


    July 14, 2009

    Subverting PostgreSQL Aggregates for Pentaho

    July 14, 2009

    Inside PostgreSQL - Clause selectivity

    June 5, 2009

    PostgreSQL with SystemTap

    May 28, 2009

    Writing Procedural Languages — slides

    May 22, 2009

    PGCon thus far

    May 21, 2009

    Inside PostgreSQL - Data Types and Operator Classes

    April 28, 2009


    April 7, 2009

    Inside PostgreSQL — Multi-Batch Hash Join Improvements

    March 26, 2009


    March 9, 2009

    Replicate only parts of my table

    February 19, 2009

    Slony1-2.0.0 + PostgreSQL 8.4devel

    February 2, 2009