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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    check_postgres meets pgbouncer

    Josh Tolley

    By Josh Tolley
    October 22, 2010

    Recently the already well-known PostgreSQL monitoring tool check_postgres gained an ability to monitor pgbouncer, the PostgreSQL connection pooling daemon more closely. Previously check_postgres could verify pgbouncer was correctly proxying connections, and make sure its settings hadn’t been modified. The pgbouncer administrative console, reports many useful pgbouncer statistics and metrics; now check_postgres can monitor some of those as well.

    pgbouncer’s description of its pools consists of “client” elements and “server” elements. “Client” refers to connections coming from clients, and “server” to connections to the PostgreSQL server. The new check_postgres actions pay attention only to the pgbouncer “SHOW POOLS” command, which provides the following metrics:

    • cl_active: Connections from clients which are associated with a PostgreSQL connection. Use the pgb_pool_cl_active action.
    • cl_waiting: Connections from clients that are waiting for a PostgreSQL connection to service them. Use the pgb_pool_cl_waiting action.
    • sv_active: Connections to PostgreSQL that are in use by a client connection. Use the pgb_pool_sv_active action.
    • sv_idle: Connections to PostgreSQL that are idle, ready to service a new client connection. Use the pgb_pool_sv_idle action.
    • sv_used: PostgreSQL connections recently released from a client session. Use the pgb_pool_sv_used action.
    • sv_tested: PostgreSQL connections in process of being tested. Use the pgb_pool_sv_tested action.
    • sv_login: PostgreSQL connections currently logging in. Use the pgb_pool_sv_login action.
    • maxwait: The length of time the oldest waiting client has been waiting for a connection. Use the pgb_pool_maxwait action.

    Most installations probably don’t want any client connections stuck waiting for PostgreSQL connections to service them, meaning the cl_waiting and maxwait metrics ought to be zero. This example will check those two metrics and complain when they’re nonzero, for a pgbouncer installation on port 5433 with pools “pgbouncer” and “maindb”:

    postgres@db:~$ ./check_postgres.pl --action=pgb_pool_cl_waiting -p 5433 -w 3 -c 8
    POSTGRES_PGB_POOL_CL_WAITING OK: (port=5433) pgbouncer=0 * maindb=0 | time=0.01 time=0.01
    postgres@db:~$ ./check_postgres.pl --action=pgb_pool_maxwait -p 5433 -w 5 -c 15 
    POSTGRES_PGB_POOL_MAXWAIT OK: (port=5433) pgbouncer=0 * maindb=0 | time=0.01 time=0.01

    The typical check_postgres filtering rules will work; to filter out a pool called “ignore_this_pool”, for instance, add –exclude ignore_this_pool to the command line. Other connection options mean exactly what they would when connection to PostgreSQL directly.

    These new actions are available in the latest version from git.

    nagios postgres
