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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘performance’

    Database Design: Using Documents

    Emre Hasegeli · March 9, 2022

    Database Design: Using Composite Keys

    Emre Hasegeli · May 20, 2021

    Database Design: Using Natural Keys

    Emre Hasegeli · March 15, 2021

    Python concurrency: asyncio for threading users

    Matt Vollrath · October 5, 2020

    Extensible Binary Encoding with CBOR

    Matt Vollrath · March 18, 2019

    Bonked By Basic_auth Because Bcrypt

    Greg Sabino Mullane · February 9, 2016

    Memcache Full HTML in Ruby on Rails with Nginx

    Steph Skardal · September 4, 2015

    Interchange Loop Optimization

    Mark Johnson · February 9, 2015

    Rails Performance with Skylight

    Steph Skardal · June 26, 2014

    Speeding Up Saving Millions of ORM Objects in PostgreSQL

    Szymon Lipiński · April 11, 2014

    The more the merrier? Not always...

    Richard Templet · February 5, 2014

    Database federation performance showdown

    Josh Tolley · December 19, 2013

    Full Page Caching in Interchange 5

    Mark Johnson · October 28, 2013

    Log Jam: Be careful with local syslog

    Josh Williams · August 22, 2013

    Little Spree Big Performance Problems

    Marina Lohova · August 5, 2013

    NoSQL benchmark of Cassandra, HBase, MongoDB

    Jon Jensen · March 12, 2013

    JavaScript-driven Interactive Highlighting

    Steph Skardal · January 25, 2013

    CSS sprites: The easy way?

    Richard Templet · January 21, 2013

    Paper Source: The Road to nginx Full Page Caching in Interchange

    Steph Skardal · January 3, 2013

    Speeding Up Integration Tests with PostgreSQL

    Szymon Lipiński · June 22, 2012

    Interchange Caching Implementation Under Fire

    Adam Vollrath · June 15, 2012

    Website Performance Boot Camp at UTOSC 2012

    Jon Jensen · May 21, 2012

    Profile Ruby with ruby-prof and KCachegrind

    Brian Buchalter · May 1, 2012

    RailsConf 2012: Day Two

    Steph Skardal · April 24, 2012

    Web Development for HeARTs Speak

    Steph Skardal · April 4, 2012

    Interchange Search Caching with “Permanent More”

    Mark Johnson · January 2, 2012

    Finding PostgreSQL temporary_file problems with tail_n_mail

    Greg Sabino Mullane · November 10, 2011

    Ruby on Rails Performance Overview

    Steph Skardal · September 6, 2011

    PostgreSQL log analysis / PGSI

    Greg Sabino Mullane · August 19, 2011

    Rails Optimization: Digging Deeper

    Steph Skardal · August 5, 2011

    Rails Optimization: Advanced Techniques with Solr

    Steph Skardal · July 22, 2011

    Raw Caching Performance in Ruby/Rails

    Steph Skardal · July 12, 2011

    Spree Performance Benchmarking

    Steph Skardal · May 25, 2011

    Benchmarking in Perl: Map versus For Loop

    Steph Skardal · May 5, 2011

    Postgres query caching with DBIx::Cache

    Greg Sabino Mullane · April 25, 2011

    Annotating Your Logs

    Josh Williams · March 31, 2011

    A Performance Case Study

    Steph Skardal · February 9, 2011

    Monitoring with Purpose

    Jason Dixon · February 4, 2011

    jQuery Tips and an Ecommerce Demo

    Steph Skardal · January 31, 2011

    PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance Review

    David Christensen · November 30, 2010

    Speeding up the Spree demo site

    Jon Jensen · November 2, 2010

    Keep the Aisles Clean at Checkout

    Mark Johnson · October 26, 2010

    Surge 2010 day 1

    Jon Jensen · October 1, 2010

    Performance optimization of icdevgroup.org

    Jon Jensen · October 23, 2009

    Using YSlow to analyze website performance

    Ron Phipps · December 19, 2008

    Varnish, Radiant, etc.

    Ethan Rowe · October 26, 2008

    Fun with 72GB disks: Filesystem performance testing

    Selena Deckelmann · September 9, 2008