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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Website Performance Boot Camp at UTOSC 2012

    Jon Jensen

    By Jon Jensen
    May 21, 2012

    I’ll keep brief my last post about this year’s Utah Open Source Conference.

    I was asked to give on both day one and day two a talk called “Website Performance Boot Camp” which carried this brief description:

    What’s the difference between a snappy website and a sloth that you turn away from in frustration? A lot of little things, usually. It’s rarely worth doing 100% of the optimization you could do, but getting 75% of the way isn’t hard if you know where to look.

    We’ll look at HTTP caching, compression, proxying, CDNs, CSS sprites, minification, and more, how to troubleshoot, and what’s best to leave alone when you have limited time or tolerance for risk.

    Here is the video recording of the first time I presented the talk. (The technician noted its audio was “a little hot”.)

    Use this Website Performance Boot Camp direct YouTube video link if the embedded video doesn’t work for you.

    The slides for this Website Performance Boot Camp presentation are available.

    Thanks again to the conference organizers and the other speakers and sponsors, and the nice venue Utah Valley University, for making it a great conference!

    community conference ecommerce open-source optimization performance
