Rails Optimization: Digging Deeper
I recently wrote about raw caching performance in Rails and advanced Rails performance techniques. In the latter article, I explained how to use a Rails low-level cache to store lists of things during the index or list request. This technique works well for list pages, but it doesn’t necessarily apply to requests to an individual thing, or what is commonly referred to as the “show” action in Rails applications.
In my application, the “show” action loaded at ~200 ms/request with low concurrency, with the use of Rails fragment caching. And with high concurrency, the requests shot up to around 2000 ms/request. This wasn’t cutting it! So, I pursued implementing full-page caching with a follow-up AJAX request, outlined by this diagram:

First, the fully-cached is loaded (quickly). Next, an AJAX request is made to retrieve access information. The access information returns a JSON object with information on whether or not there is a user, and if that user has edit access to that thing. If there is no user, the page stays as is. If there is a user, but he does not have edit permissions, the log out button is shown and the username is populated. If there is a user and he has edit permissions, the log out button is shown, the username is populated, and additional buttons requiring edit access are shown.
The Code
To cache the full page, I use the caches_page method, and cache only on requests of HTML format (other formats are not cached):
class ThingsController < ApplicationController
caches_page :show, :if => Proc.new { |c| c.request.format.html? }
My access level request looks something like this:
def accessibility
respond_to do |format|
format.json do
render :json => {
:logged_in => current_user ? current_user.to_json(:only => [:id, :username]) : false,
:can_edit => current_user ? Thing.find(params[:id]).can_edit?(current_user) : false }
My HTML has some bits of code sprinkled throughout it:
<a href="#" id="edit_thing" class="requires_editability">Edit</a>
<a href="#" id="my_account" class="requires_logged_in"><!-- no username yet --></a>
My jQuery AJAX request looks something like the code shown below. Note that I remove elements that do not apply to the current request:
type: 'GET',
cache: false,
url: editability_path, //editability_path is defined in the HTML (a JavaScript variable)
dataType: "JSON",
error: function(xhr){
success: function(results) {
if(results.logged_in) {
if(results.can_edit) {
} else {
} else {
And don’t forget the sweeper to clear the fully cached page after edits (or other ActiveRecord callbacks):
class ThingSweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper
observe Thing
def after_save(record)
expire_page :controller => :things, :action => :show, :id => record.id
Additional Notes
There are some additional notes to mention:
- If a user were to hack the AJAX or JavaScript, server-side validation is still being performed when an “edit” action is submitted. In other words, if a hacker somehow enabled an edit button to show up and post an edit, a server-side response would prohibit the update because the hacker does not have appropriate access.
- HTML changes were made to accommodate this caching behavior, which was a bit tricky. HTML has to handle all potential use cases (no user, user & no edit access, user & edit access). jQuery itself can also be used to introduce new elements per use case.
- The access level AJAX request is also hitting more low-level Rails caches: For example, the array of things that a user has edit permissions is cached and the cache is cleared with standard Rails sweepers. With this additional caching component, the access level AJAX request is hitting the database minimally.
- Performance optimization scenarios such as this make an argument against inline editing of resources. If there were a backend admin interface to allow editing of things, full-page caching would be more straight-forward to implement.
With this functionality, fully cached pages are served with an average of less than 5 ms/request, and the AJAX access request appears to be around 20 ms/request (although this is harder to test with simple command line tools). This is an improvement over the 200 ms/request initially implemented. Additionally, requests at a high concurrency don’t bog down the system as much.