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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts by

    Kevin Campusano

    Using Docker Compose to Deploy a Multi-Application .NET System

    July 13, 2024

    Uploading multiple files in a single request in an ASP.NET Core application

    July 4, 2024

    How to validate record uniqueness in ASP.NET

    May 28, 2024

    Writing integration tests for an ASP.NET Web API

    May 13, 2024

    Using Razor templates to render HTML emails in .NET

    April 30, 2024

    Key Takeaways from Practical Object-Oriented Design by Sandi Metz

    February 27, 2024

    I wrote the same app twice, with Hotwire and Blazor Server — here’s what I learned

    May 27, 2023

    Implementing Basic HTTP Authentication in Rails

    January 26, 2023

    Using Devise for Authentication in Rails Without Database Stored Accounts

    January 19, 2023

    Developing Rails Apps in a Dev Container with VS Code

    January 13, 2023

    Implementing Backend Tasks in ASP.NET Core

    August 8, 2022

    Implementing Authentication in ASP.NET Core Web APIs

    June 17, 2022

    Code Reviews

    March 21, 2022

    Database integration testing with .NET

    January 12, 2022

    Kubernetes 101: Deploying a web application and database

    January 8, 2022

    Building REST APIs with .NET 5, ASP.NET Core, and PostgreSQL

    July 9, 2021

    Monads: Another tool from the functional programming toolbox

    January 27, 2021

    Svelte: A compiled JavaScript front-end framework

    December 2, 2020

    Craft: A CMS for developers

    October 31, 2020

    An introduction to automated testing for web applications with Symfony

    September 22, 2020

    Containerizing Magento with Docker Compose: Elasticsearch, MySQL and Magento

    August 27, 2020

    Linux Development in Windows 10 with Docker and WSL 2

    June 18, 2020

    An Introduction to webpack 4: Setting Up a Modern, Modular JavaScript Front-End Application

    March 26, 2020

    How to set up a local development environment for WordPress from scratch

    August 7, 2019

    How to set up your Ruby on Rails development environment in Windows 10 Pro with Visual Studio Code and Windows Subsystem for Linux

    April 4, 2019

    How to use Zend Framework components in a console app

    November 21, 2018

    What’s the deal with ASP.NET Core Razor Pages?

    November 20, 2018