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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Company Update January 2013

    Phineas Jensen

    By Phineas Jensen
    January 4, 2013

    With the busy holiday season just behind us, we haven’t had as much time to write blog posts about what we’ve been doing in the past few months. So here’s an update on some of our latest projects:

    • Brian Buchalter has been implementing new features for of a major release of Collaborative Software Initiative’s open source product, TriSano, which provides case and outbreak management, surveillance and analytics for global public health.

    • Dave has worked on deepening our contacts with content providers and agencies using or interested in using the Liquid Galaxy platform. Recently back from Japan, Dave sold a Liquid Galaxy system to a research group in Kyoto.

    • David has been working on an HA (highly available) PostgreSQL database system with automatic failover, dynamic node creation/population, and configuration synchronization.

    • Greg Sabino Mullane has been speeding up slow queries, debugging pg_bouncer problems, expanding the abilities of Bucardo, and many other PostgreSQL-related activities.

    • Jeff has been working on some major updates to the HydroPool site, including adding a set of “parts” products from an external supplier, with an interface that displays the schematic diagram of selected pool products and offers a way to order parts based on the exploded diagram. This has involved extensive amounts of AJAX/JSON, both in the customer UI and in the background, allowing a hierarchical drill-down into the categories, manufacturers and models.

    • Jon has been helping tackle scalability problems at two busy sites using PHP and MySQL, and has done some system intrusion forensics and cleanup work as well as implemented some PCI compliance remedies. He has also been working with international payments, upgrading some outdated servers, and hiring new people to help out with development and system administration.

    • Josh Tolley has been working on improving ocean-related content for Liquid Galaxy, and making new and better ways to display that content. He has also been working on TriSano for the Collaborative Software Initiative.

    • Kamil has worked on making Locate Express multi-tenant across both the Rails-based admin area and the Sinatra-based API front end. He has also been doing browser testing for Mobixa and its email verification.

    • Mark has been involved in developing and supporting payment APIs for our customers, primarily with PayPal, and investigating other processors to support multiple currencies. He has also been helping with moving one of our client’s file-backed sessions to database-backed sessions on Interchange.

    • Phunk has been working as the tech lead on a large search API and metadata project using Rails 3, ElasticSearch, and CouchDB, all running on the DevCamps system.

    • Richard has been setting up two new servers for Partner Fusion. One of these servers will be a web server using nginx to serve as a caching proxy to Apache for delivering PHP code. The other will be a development and database server with two Percona MySQL 5.5 daemons on different ports as replication slaves for two different origin servers.

    • Ron helped with the setup and migration to a new server for Lens Discounters, launched some new shop features for College District, started working on a new project for FrozenCPU, and worked on several internal projects.

    • Steph has continued working on building out features for Piggybak, including product variants, a demo tour, and documentation on Heroku support. She’s been involved in building out features and doing maintenence for Mobixa. For Paper Source, she has been working on full page caching via nginx, mentioned in this article yesterday.

    • Szymon has been working on several Python projects, including web and command-line applications which manage data in PostgreSQL and CouchDB databases. He has also been working on a special script creating customized PostgreSQL database dumps making a deep copy of part of a table with all dependent rows from other tables.

    • Tim worked on a large Rails and Solr project, wrote an extension for Piggybak that integrates the Stripe payment gateway, and did some Ruby on Rails work for Mobixa.

    • Zed has been working on a new timesheet app for Android which will let us enter our work time on the go without an Internet connection.

    We also recently welcomed new full-time employees Bianca Rodrigues, Will Plaut, and Miguel Alatorre, who are quickly getting up to speed.

    Happy new year, everyone!

