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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘environment’

    Data Center Relocation Initiatives: Daunting But Achievable

    Charles Chang · December 20, 2018

    Shell Command Outputs Truncated in Python

    Selvakumar Arumugam · April 5, 2018

    Separate and Not Equal: Development Environments to Support People, Process, and Automation

    Dylan Wooters · January 18, 2017

    8 Simple Steps to Saner Software Development

    Dylan Wooters · November 10, 2016

    2015 Perl Dancer Conference videos

    Sam Batschelet · December 30, 2015

    Handling databases in dev environments for web development

    Spencer Christensen · April 21, 2015

    On End Point’s Development Environment

    Steph Skardal · March 11, 2015

    Looking at development environments with DevCamps and Vagrant

    Spencer Christensen · August 25, 2014

    Provisioning a Development Environment with Packer, Part 2

    Mike Farmer · March 14, 2014

    Provisioning a Development Environment with Packer, Part 1

    Mike Farmer · March 12, 2014

    Mobile Emulation in Chrome DevTools

    Greg Davidson · January 24, 2014

    Copy Data Between MySQL Databases with Sequel Pro

    Greg Davidson · January 10, 2014

    Adventures with using Ruby 2.0 and libreadline

    Kamil Ciemniewski · May 17, 2013

    Test Web Sites with Internet Explorer for Free

    Greg Davidson · September 26, 2012

    GNU Screen + SSH_AUTH_SOCK; my new approach

    David Christensen · February 23, 2011

    Managing Perl environments with perlbrew

    Jason Dixon · February 21, 2011

    Visit at DistribuTECH

    Ron Phipps · February 2, 2011

    Debugging jQuery

    Ron Phipps · September 28, 2010

    Guidelines for Interchange site migrations

    Ron Phipps · September 3, 2010

    Why is my load average so high?

    Josh Tolley · July 15, 2010

    dstat: better system resource monitoring

    Jon Jensen · December 19, 2009

    GNU Screen: follow the leader

    Kiel Christofferson · September 24, 2009

    MTU tweak: a fix for upload pain

    Jon Jensen · July 11, 2009

    Operating system upgrades

    Jon Jensen · May 12, 2009

    TLS Server Name Indication

    Jon Jensen · May 8, 2009

    Passenger and SELinux

    Ron Phipps · March 2, 2009

    Slow Xen virtualization of RHEL 3 i386 guest on RHEL 5 x86_64

    Jon Jensen · January 23, 2009

    Machine virtualization on the Linux desktop

    Jon Jensen · September 12, 2008