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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    2015 Perl Dancer Conference videos

    Sam Batschelet

    By Sam Batschelet
    December 30, 2015

    The 2015 Perl Dancer Conference has recently released the presentation videos. This year the conference was hosted in beautiful Vienna, Austria. Josh Lavin and I were both honored to attend the conference as well as give talks. Earlier, Josh wrote summaries of the conference:

    Conference Recap

    Conference Presentations

    SpaceCamps “The Final Frontier”

    I gave a talk exploring new technologies for End Point’s own DevCamps development tool. During the presentation I detailed my research into containers and what a cloud-based development environment might look like.

    SpaceCamps Presentation Video

    AngularJS & Dancer for Modern Web Development

    Josh detailed his experience migrating legacy applications utilizing Dancer, AngularJS, and modern Perl techniques. Josh highlighted the challenges he faced during the process, as well as lessons he learned along the way.

    AngularJS & Dancer for Modern Web Development Presentation Video

    Lightning Talks

    Josh and I both gave short “lightning talks.” Josh’s was on Writing Unit Tests for a Legacy App (Interchange 5), and mine was on Plack & Interchange 5.

    To review the rest of the presentations please checkout the Perl Dancer Conference YouTube channel.


    The Perl Dancer community continues to flourish and the conference this year hosted a record 5 core Dancer developers. Dancer is about to release the finalized version of its long awaited plugin infrastructure for Dancer2. A lot of work on this was completed during the conference. Being an organizer of the conference, it brings me great joy to see this success. This news along with the release of Perl 6, I am certain 2016 will be a wonderful year for not only Dancer but the entire Perl community.

    angular camps dancer environment interchange perl
