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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘devops’

    Kubernetes From The Ground Up With AWS EC2

    Jeffry Johar · October 6, 2022

    CI/CD with Azure DevOps

    Dylan Wooters · August 28, 2022

    DevOps & Kubernetes engineer job opening

    Jon Jensen · November 4, 2021

    Installing Ubuntu 18.04 to a different partition from an existing Ubuntu installation

    Bharathi Ponnusamy · April 6, 2020

    Job opening: Linux system administration and DevOps remote engineer

    Jon Jensen · April 18, 2019

    SRV DNS records in Terraform and Cloudflare

    Jon Jensen · June 26, 2018

    Disaster Recovery — Miami to Dallas in one hit

    Ian Neilsen · October 3, 2017

    Separate and Not Equal: Development Environments to Support People, Process, and Automation

    Dylan Wooters · January 18, 2017

    Perl Dancer Conference 2016 Day 1

    Sam Batschelet · November 30, 2016

    8 Simple Steps to Saner Software Development

    Dylan Wooters · November 10, 2016

    Building Containers with Habitat

    Kirk Harr · October 17, 2016

    DevOpsDays India — 2015

    Selvakumar Arumugam · September 30, 2015

    The ‘name’ attribute is required in cookbook metadata: Solving a Vagrant/Chef Provisioning Issue

    Greg Davidson · April 21, 2015

    Testing your chef repo pull requests with chef-zero, Vagrant and Jenkins

    Wojtek Ziniewicz · February 18, 2015

    Cron Wrapper: Keep your cron jobs environment sane

    Richard Templet · February 6, 2015

    CentOS 7 on Hetzner server with more than 2 TB disk

    Spencer Christensen · January 22, 2015

    Highlights of OpenWest conference 2014

    Spencer Christensen · May 16, 2014

    Puppet, Salt, and DevOps (a review of the MountainWest DevOps conference)

    Spencer Christensen · March 27, 2014

    Provisioning a Development Environment with Packer, Part 2

    Mike Farmer · March 14, 2014

    Provisioning a Development Environment with Packer, Part 1

    Mike Farmer · March 12, 2014

    Setting a server role in Salt (comparing Puppet and Salt)

    Spencer Christensen · December 23, 2013

    Use Ansible/Jinja2 templates to change file content based on target OS

    Emanuele “Lele” Calò · December 19, 2013

    Managing Multiple Hosts and SSH Identities with OpenSSH

    Patrick Lewis · December 12, 2013

    Installing CentOS 5 on a 3 TB Drive

    Cas Rusnov · November 6, 2013

    Apache accidental DNS hostname lookups

    Jon Jensen · September 18, 2013

    DevOps engineer job opening (remote)

    Jon Jensen · June 4, 2013

    Login shells in scripts called from cron

    Jon Jensen · May 28, 2013

    Avoid 2:00 and 3:00 am cron jobs!

    Jon Jensen · April 8, 2013

    Deploying password files with Chef

    Matt Vollrath · April 3, 2013

    Chef and Puppet Overview

    Josh Tolley · June 13, 2012

    Puppet PDX meeting

    Selena Deckelmann · February 19, 2009