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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘graphics’

    Making a Loading Spinner with tkinter

    Matt Vollrath · March 5, 2024

    Automating reading the screen and interacting with GUI programs on X Window System

    Constante “Tino” Gonzalez · March 10, 2022

    Optimizing media delivery with Cloudinary

    Juan Pablo Ventoso · March 1, 2022

    Image compression: WebP presets, HEIC, AVIF, JPEG XL

    Jon Jensen · February 15, 2022

    Fun with Rational Numbers

    Darius Clynes · February 11, 2022

    Liquid Galaxy at 2017 BOMA International Annual Conference & Expo

    Ben Witten · July 3, 2017

    Updating Firefox and the Black Screen

    Jeff Boes · October 16, 2014

    Point Clouds on the Liquid Galaxy

    Josh Tolley · July 31, 2014

    Creating a Symbol Web Font

    Zed Jensen · July 17, 2014

    Supporting Apple Retina displays on the Web

    Phineas Jensen · May 27, 2014

    WebP images experiment on End Point website

    Jon Jensen · January 28, 2014

    Kamelopard update—​Panoramic camera simulation, and splines have returned

    Josh Tolley · July 16, 2013

    Creating custom button graphics in Android

    Zed Jensen · June 7, 2013

    CSS Conf 2013 — When Bootstrap Attacks!

    Greg Davidson · June 3, 2013

    Building Xpdf on Ubuntu

    Jon Jensen · August 31, 2011

    Paperclip in Spree: Extending Product Image Sizes

    Steph Skardal · June 6, 2011

    Determining dominant image color

    Jeff Boes · April 21, 2011

    (Image|Graphics)Magick trick for monitoring or visualizations

    Kiel Christofferson · November 3, 2010

    JPEG compression: quality or quantity?

    Daniel Browning · December 24, 2009