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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘api’

    Writing integration tests for an ASP.NET Web API

    Kevin Campusano · May 13, 2024

    JSforce: A Quick Path to Salesforce Development

    Couragyn Chretien · October 21, 2023

    Middleware: Is that still a thing?

    Richard Templet · May 26, 2022

    Using Postman to Test APIs

    Couragyn Chretien · December 16, 2021

    Integrating the Estes Freight Shipping SOAP API as a Spree Shipping Calculator

    Patrick Lewis · September 28, 2021

    Building REST APIs with .NET 5, ASP.NET Core, and PostgreSQL

    Kevin Campusano · July 9, 2021

    Availity: An API for Health Insurance

    Patrick Lewis · November 16, 2020

    GraphQL Server Libraries

    Zed Jensen · July 12, 2019

    GraphQL — An Alternative to REST

    Zed Jensen · May 11, 2019

    Eliminating Resolvers in GraphQL Ruby

    Patrick Lewis · March 29, 2019

    Switching from Google Maps to Leaflet

    Juan Pablo Ventoso · March 23, 2019

    Converting GraphQL Ruby Resolvers to the Class-​based API

    Patrick Lewis · February 28, 2019

    Speech Recognition from scratch using Dilated Convolutions and CTC in TensorFlow

    Kamil Ciemniewski · January 8, 2019

    Currency exchange rates with exchangeratesapi.io

    Jon Jensen · July 14, 2018

    Using GitHub for Blog Comments

    Phineas Jensen · November 14, 2017

    Hue’s on First: How we used responsive bulbs to join software and hardware for a busy medical practice

    Liz Flyntz · March 14, 2016

    Google Maps JavaScript API LatLng Property Name Changes

    Greg Davidson · June 11, 2015

    Integrate Twilio in Django

    Kulbir Singh · November 24, 2014

    Facebook, Twitter, Google+ sharing with the URL

    Marina Lohova · July 10, 2014

    Spree Active Shipping Gem “We are unable to calculate shipping rates for the selected items.” Error

    Matt Galvin · February 12, 2014

    Verify Addresses the Easy Way with SmartyStreets

    Tim Case · December 20, 2012

    The truth about Google Wallet integration

    Marina Lohova · October 19, 2012

    Paginating API call with Radian6

    Marina Lohova · August 24, 2012

    Respecting API Call Limit with Radian6

    Marina Lohova · June 29, 2012

    Handling Ecommerce Transactions with PayPal

    Greg Davidson · June 14, 2012

    Our SoftLayer API tools

    Jon Jensen · January 23, 2012

    API gaps: an Android MediaPlayer example

    Jon Jensen · March 2, 2011

    Authlogic and RESTful Authentication Encryption

    Steph Skardal · April 19, 2010

    USPS changes the Web Tools Rate Calculator API

    Dan Collis-Puro · May 14, 2007