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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Respecting API Call Limit with Radian6

    Marina Lohova

    By Marina Lohova
    June 29, 2012

    A common practice in the online API world is to enforce the call limit. Twitter allows 150 API calls per hour. Shopify has 500 API calls per 5 minutes limit. You may learn how to work with Shopify call limit from this great article.

    One of our projects was built around interaction with Radian6 platform. Radian6 is a new and growing data mining service with the default limit of 100 calls per hour. I will describe our take on the call limit implementation.

    Introducing the call counter

    First, we need to know how many calls have been executed in the current hour. Every external call increments the counter field on a special model until the counter reaches the limit. The counter is reset back to zero at the beginning of every hour.

    script/rails g model RadianCallCount

    In the migration:

    class CreateRadianCallCounts < ActiveRecord::Migration
      def change
        create_table :radian_call_counts do |t|
          t.integer :count

    In db/seeds.rb file

    puts "Initializing Radian6 counter"
    RadianCallCount.create(:count => 0)

    Let’s roll the counter!

    rake db:migrate
    rake db:seed

    Scheduling the counter reset

    It is necessary to reset the counter back to zero in the beginning of each hour otherwise the subsequent calls will not be executed. The excellent ‘whenever’ gem will take care of this.

    gem install whenever
    cd your_webapp
    wheneverize .

    In the model:

    class RadianCallCount < ActiveRecord::Base
      def self.reset
        RadianCallCount.first.update_attribute(:count, 0)

    In config/schedule.rb:

    every :hour do 
       runner "RadianCallCount.reset"

    Tracking call count

    We will now use the rcapture gem to intercept a call to external API and increment the counter with it.

    gem install rcapture

    In the module containing all Radian-specific methods:

    require 'rcapture'
    API_LIMIT = 100
    def self.included(base)
      base.extend RCapture::Interceptable
      base.capture_pre :methods => [:authenticate,:tweet_stats] do |cs|
        RadianCallCount.transaction do 
          calls_per_hour = RadianCallCount.first.count 
          allowed = (calls_per_hour < Radian::API_LIMIT)
          cs.predicate = allowed
          cs.return = false 
          RadianCallCount.first.increment!(:count) if allowed

    The code introduces a simple check before ‘authenticate’ and ‘tweets_stats’ methods. If call count exceeds the allowed limit the method is not executed and the method returns false. Otherwise, the counter increments after the successful method execution. We wrap the code in transaction because the actual count in the database may increase while we are making the API_LIMIT comparison.

    Making the limit-aware call

    Everything is ready to make the non-blocking API call. I scheduled a twitter statistics update to run every 3 hours:

    every 3.hours do
       runner "Article.tweet_stats"

    The non-blocking calls are suitable for most situations. Sometimes there is a need to just keep trying…

    def call_with_timeout(&block)
      timeout = 0.minutes 
      results = false 
      while !results do
        results = block.call
        if !results
          break if timeout >= Radian::API_MAX_TIMEOUT
          Rails.logger.info("Sleeping for 5 minutes")
          timeout += Radian::API_CALL_TIMEOUT
    call_with_timeout { tweet_stats }

    That is all for today. Thanks for your attention. Hope the post was useful.

    rails social-networks api
