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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘camps’

    Camping in the Clouds with Terraform and Ansible

    Josh Williams · February 5, 2019

    2015 Perl Dancer Conference videos

    Sam Batschelet · December 30, 2015

    Handling databases in dev environments for web development

    Spencer Christensen · April 21, 2015

    Looking at development environments with DevCamps and Vagrant

    Spencer Christensen · August 25, 2014

    Proxy Nginx ports using a regular expression

    Brian Gadoury · March 19, 2014

    The more the merrier? Not always...

    Richard Templet · February 5, 2014

    Ecommerce Innovation 2013

    Richard Templet · October 16, 2013

    eCommerce Innovation Conference 2013

    Richard Templet · September 20, 2013

    Git as rsync

    Jeff Boes · February 14, 2013

    Camp tools

    Jeff Boes · January 14, 2013

    DevCamps: Creating new camps from a non-default Git branch

    Brian Gadoury · August 31, 2012

    The Berkman Center projects

    Terry Grant · June 13, 2012

    DevCamps setup with Ruby 1.9.3, rbenv, Nginx and Unicorn

    Richard Templet · February 10, 2012

    Running Integration Tests in WebKit Without a Browser

    Mike Farmer · December 8, 2011

    Semaphore limits and many Apache instances on Linux

    Jon Jensen · December 7, 2011

    DevCamps news

    Jon Jensen · August 4, 2011

    Using nginx to transparently modify/debug third-party content

    David Christensen · February 6, 2011

    DevCamps on different systems, including Plesk, CPanel and ISPConfig

    Ron Phipps · January 8, 2010

    Subverting Subversion for Fun and Profit

    David Christensen · April 7, 2009

    Camps presentation at UTOSC 2008

    Jon Jensen · August 31, 2008