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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts by

    Brian Buchalter

    Buy One Get One Promotion with Spree

    August 7, 2013

    Rails transposing day and month after upgrading Ruby 1.8.7

    June 26, 2013

    Spree’s New Release Policy

    June 17, 2013

    Detecting Bufferbloat

    February 11, 2013

    Install SSL Certificate from Network Solutions on nginx

    February 5, 2013

    How to Apply a Rails Security Patch

    January 29, 2013

    Evading Anti-Virus Detection with Metasploit

    January 28, 2013

    Use Metasploit to Verify Rails is Secured from CVE-2013-0156

    January 10, 2013

    Case Sensitive MySQL Searches

    October 18, 2012

    Feature Isolation with Mike Farmer

    October 9, 2012

    Setting user ownership of nginx and Passenger processes

    October 2, 2012

    Are you sure you want a MacBook Pro?

    July 30, 2012

    Automated VM cloning with PowerCLI

    July 23, 2012

    GoRuCo 2012 Recap

    July 18, 2012

    Changing Passenger Nginx Timeouts

    July 17, 2012

    Simple Example of Dependency Injection with Rails

    June 25, 2012

    OpenSSH Tips and Tricks with Matt Vollrath

    June 14, 2012

    Points of Interest

    May 15, 2012

    Inherit an application by rewriting the test suite

    May 8, 2012

    Profile Ruby with ruby-prof and KCachegrind

    May 1, 2012

    Deconstructing an OO Blog Designs in Ruby 1.9

    April 20, 2012

    Monitoring cronjob exit codes with Nagios

    April 17, 2012

    Guide to Ubuntu 11.10 on a Samsung Netbook

    April 8, 2012

    Check JSON responses with Nagios

    March 18, 2012

    Check HTTP redirects with Nagios

    March 15, 2012

    IPv6 Tunnels with Debian/Ubuntu behind NAT

    March 1, 2012

    MySQL replication monitoring on Ubuntu 10.04 with Nagios and NRPE

    January 21, 2012

    Using Disqus and Ruby on Rails

    January 14, 2012

    Automating removal of SSH key patterns

    January 3, 2012

    Importing Comments into Disqus using Rails

    December 27, 2011

    Using Gmail at Work

    December 15, 2011

    Working with constants in Ruby

    December 5, 2011

    Performing Bulk Edits in Rails: Part 2

    December 3, 2011

    Appending one PDF to another using PDF Toolkit

    November 22, 2011

    Performing Bulk Edits in Rails: Part 1

    November 14, 2011