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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘json’

    Using Postman to Test APIs

    Couragyn Chretien · December 16, 2021

    What is serialization?

    Zed Jensen · May 6, 2021

    Serialization and Deserialization Issues in Spring REST

    Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir · March 17, 2020

    Making sense of XML/JSON items in the shell

    Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi · December 31, 2019

    MediaWiki extension.json change in 1.25

    Greg Sabino Mullane · October 17, 2015

    DBD::Pg escaping placeholders with backslashes

    Greg Sabino Mullane · January 12, 2015

    PostgreSQL as NoSQL with Data Validation

    Szymon Lipiński · June 3, 2013

    Elasticsearch: Give me object!

    Miguel Alatorre · April 30, 2013

    Interchange “on-the-fly” items

    Jeff Boes · July 26, 2012

    Web service integration in PHP, jQuery, Perl and Interchange

    Ron Phipps · June 13, 2012

    Simple Pagination with AJAX

    Jeff Boes · May 24, 2012

    A Little Less of the Middle

    Josh Williams · March 14, 2012

    Lock up your keys

    Jeff Boes · February 9, 2012

    CRUD, RESTful, and JSON for Address Management in Interchange

    Steph Skardal · October 4, 2011

    JSON pretty-printer

    Jon Jensen · February 1, 2011