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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘programming’

    Passing Data Between Components in Vue.js: An Overview

    Tuğrul Gökbel · April 3, 2024

    Key Takeaways from Practical Object-Oriented Design by Sandi Metz

    Kevin Campusano · February 27, 2024

    Getting started with Java development using Visual Studio Code

    Trevor Slocum · March 17, 2023

    Programming the Intel NDP in 1983

    Jeremy Freeman · March 12, 2023

    Fun with Rational Numbers

    Darius Clynes · February 11, 2022

    On the Importance of Explicitly Converting Strings to Numbers

    Jeff Laughlin · January 11, 2022

    Engineering Is Not Just About the Cool Stacks

    Afif Sohaili · May 25, 2021

    Demonstrating the HotSwap JVM

    Josh Tolley · November 25, 2020

    The Pragmatic Programmer book, 20th anniversary edition

    Jon Jensen · October 16, 2020

    Cooking with CAS

    Josh Tolley · March 10, 2020

    How I Learn New Technologies

    Árpád Lajos · October 30, 2018

    Drupal — rapid development

    Piotr Hankiewicz · May 26, 2017

    Strict typing fun example — Free Monads in Haskell

    Kamil Ciemniewski · March 11, 2016

    Coding style guides across languages

    Piotr Hankiewicz · August 17, 2015

    Perl’s CPAN is 20 years old

    Jon Jensen · August 17, 2015

    Nothing more permanent than a temporary fix

    Jon Jensen · July 28, 2015

    To ask or not to ask? Debug first.

    Miguel Alatorre · February 18, 2013