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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘dbdpg’

    DBD::Pg escaping placeholders with backslashes

    Greg Sabino Mullane · January 12, 2015

    DBD::Pg: one ping to rule them all

    Greg Sabino Mullane · January 7, 2015

    DBD::Pg, array slices, and pg_placeholder_nocolons

    Greg Sabino Mullane · May 25, 2014

    Custom plans prepared statements in PostgreSQL 9.2

    Greg Sabino Mullane · April 28, 2014

    DBD::Pg prepared statement change

    Greg Sabino Mullane · February 28, 2014

    DBD::Pg 3.0.0 and the utf8 flag

    Greg Sabino Mullane · February 19, 2014

    Perl PostgreSQL driver DBD::Pg 3.0.0 released

    Greg Sabino Mullane · February 7, 2014

    DBD::Pg UTF-8 for PostgreSQL server_encoding

    Greg Sabino Mullane · June 20, 2011

    DBD::Pg moves to Git!

    David Christensen · June 14, 2011

    DBD::Pg and the libpq COPY bug

    Greg Sabino Mullane · May 13, 2011

    DBD::Pg query cancelling in Postgres

    Greg Sabino Mullane · April 4, 2011

    DBD::Pg, UTF-8, and Postgres client_encoding

    Greg Sabino Mullane · January 13, 2011