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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Blog posts tagged ‘cms’

    Integrating Contentful with NuxtJS

    Juan Pablo Ventoso · October 7, 2022

    Advanced WordPress customizations

    Juan Pablo Ventoso · November 27, 2020

    Craft: A CMS for developers

    Kevin Campusano · October 31, 2020

    Drupal — rapid development

    Piotr Hankiewicz · May 26, 2017

    Testing Django Applications

    Zdeněk Maxa · December 14, 2015

    Web Development, Big Data and DevOps—​OSI Days 2014, India

    Selvakumar Arumugam · January 12, 2015

    Ecommerce in the Django World

    Kirk Harr · December 3, 2014

    Drupal Commerce for Fun and Profit

    Kirk Harr · May 6, 2014

    Ecommerce Solutions: What are the Options?

    Steph Skardal · February 28, 2011

    Spree vs. Magento: Feature List Revisited

    Steph Skardal · July 13, 2010

    Spree vs Magento: A Feature List Comparison

    Steph Skardal · June 7, 2010

    New End Point site launched: Rails, jQuery, Flot, blog feed

    Steph Skardal · October 7, 2009

    Spree at RailsConf

    Steph Skardal · May 11, 2009

    SEO Ecommerce

    Steph Skardal · April 20, 2009

    Varnish, Radiant, etc.

    Ethan Rowe · October 26, 2008