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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    End Point’s CasePointer business acquired by Deloitte

    Rick Peltzman

    By Rick Peltzman
    June 3, 2024

    We are proud to announce that Deloitte has acquired the industry-leading public health disease surveillance business, CasePointer, from End Point Corporation as of June 1, 2024. This acquisition brings to Deloitte, End Point’s experienced and skilled software engineers, cloud developers, DevOps engineers, epidemiologists, and former public health officials.

    Since 2008, End Point’s CasePointer business has worked with open-source public health software to modernize tools, automate processes, improve the user experience, and provide better return on investment to state and local public health agencies for their disease surveillance and epidemiologic needs.

    Jon Jensen, End Point’s former chief technical officer, has joined Deloitte with this transaction. He said: “We are excited to work with Deloitte’s team of professionals and serve their broad client base. Together, we expect to make an even greater impact for government health organizations.”

    Deloitte is only acquiring assets, clients, and personnel related to End Point’s CasePointer business. All other business lines remain with End Point, including systems administration, database engineering, e-commerce programming, application development, and our immersive GIS platform, VisionPort.

    See Deloitte’s website about CasePointer for further information.

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