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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Moving to EndPointDev.com

    Rick Peltzman

    By Rick Peltzman
    October 21, 2021

    scene of seashore, palm trees, bridges, old stone walls, grass

    Hello to all our cherished clients and friends. I am excited to make an announcement!

    End Point has changed our domain name from EndPoint.com to EndPointDev.com.

    While our official legal name remains End Point Corporation, we are also updating our branding to match our new domain name. You will notice on our website that we are now referring to ourselves as End Point Dev, the “Dev” being short for “development.”

    There are many companies named End Point and there has been a little confusion about this over the years. None of the other End Points (or “Endpoints”) do the type of development work that we do. They range from a utility company to a title insurance company to a medical lab services company and beyond. In our quest to separate ourselves and distinguish who we are, we are transitioning to EndPointDev.com.

    From now on you will receive email from, and send email to, your contacts here with their new suffix-adjusted domain names, e.g., instead of rick@endpoint.com use rick@endpointdev.com. After December 1, 2021, expect your emails to bounce back if you do not use the new and correct email address.

    This change also holds true for our group/​alias addresses that you may be using, such as billing@endpoint.com, accountspayable@endpoint.com, etc., which are now billing@endpointdev.com, accountspayable@endpointdev.com, etc.

    At End Point Dev we have expanded our services, capabilities, and expertise greatly in recent years. Our capabilities range from ecommerce to 3D visualization platforms, from database to AI and other applications development, from cloud devops and hosting services to critically needed EpiTrax disease tracking and tracing for states throughout the U.S.

    We believe that this rebranding effort will help distinguish us, but it will require a bit of housekeeping. So please update your email address books and web browser bookmarks. Thank you!

