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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    End Point Relocates Its Tennessee Office

    Cody Ressler

    By Cody Ressler
    May 14, 2021

    After having been located in Bluff City for close to eight years, End Point is pleased to announce that it has recently relocated its Tennessee office to Johnson City. The new location is an improved facility that better serves our Liquid Galaxy team. A group of veteran End Pointers including Matt Vollrath, Neil Elliot, and Josh Ausborne are working out of the new location, alongside more recent employees Josh Harless and myself.

    Our Tennessee office has an important role in providing remote access to various Liquid Galaxy platforms so that other End Point engineers can work on them. Johnson City has recently begun a fiber internet initiative through its power company, BrightRidge. We were lucky enough to be in the first wave of installations and got cables run underground to our office so that we can enjoy speeds of up to 1000 Mbps (gigabit).

    This office is where we test new content, features, updates, or entirely new designs. The interior design includes plenty of space to concentrate on individual work, as well as for test systems and preparing new units for shipment. It is also well-suited for collaborative work with both onsite and remote teammates on R&D, content development, remote updates, and support.

    The office is located in a much newer building with easy access to the interstate freeway and a wide variety of restaurants and hotels. Gone is the transmission-​destroying hill where our previous office sat. Instead we are located on a freight truck-accessible cul-de-sac perfect for Liquid Galaxy shipments.

    Our new office boasts efficient window treatments, better HVAC, an open concept design, and plenty of space for everyone to work, build, and assemble new Liquid Galaxies. And as a bonus, the location dramatically reduces our commute times.

    If you are in the area, let us know if you would like to come visit with us in the office!

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