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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Enforcing Transaction Compartments with Foreign Keys and SECURITY DEFINER

    Mark Johnson

    By Mark Johnson
    September 4, 2012

    In support of End Point’s evolving offering for multi-master database replication, from the precursor to Bucardo through several versions of Bucardo itself, our code solutions depended on the ability to suppress the actions of triggers and rules through direct manipulation of the pg_class table. Most PostgreSQL database developers are probably familiar with the construct we used from the DDL scripts generated by pg_dump at one time.

    Disable triggers and rules on table “public”.“foo”:

    UPDATE pg_class SET
            relhasrules = false,
            reltriggers = 0
        FROM pg_namespace
        WHERE pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
            AND pg_namespace.nspname = 'public'
            AND pg_class.relname = 'foo';

    Re-enable all triggers and rules on “public”.“foo” when finished with DML that must not fire triggers and rules:

    UPDATE pg_class SET
            reltriggers = (
                SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_trigger
                WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_trigger.tgrelid
            relhasrules = (
                SELECT COUNT(*) > 0
                FROM pg_rules
                WHERE schemaname = 'public'
                    AND tablename = 'foo'
        FROM pg_namespace
        WHERE pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
            AND pg_namespace.nspname = 'public'
            AND pg_class.relname = 'foo';

    In practice, the simple usage described for trigger and rule suppression worked reasonably well. However, it didn’t always work well. In particular, there is a somewhat concerning state that exists between the two previously described events. The actions of disabling triggers/rules, then manipulating those relations affected, and then re-enforcing triggers/rules, must happen within the confines of a single transaction, and they must happen, period. The risk is that, at some point between the “open and shut” on pg_class, the transaction is committed and the “shut” never fires. If that happens, all database activity against the relations with disabled triggers and rules continues. I don’t recall that we ever isolated the reasons why, on rare occasion, this happened; I only know that it did happen, and it was never welcome news.

    In an effort to curb the worst aspect of this issue, I started with a simple question: how can I limit the transaction to a “safe compartment”, thinking in terms of perl’s Safe.pm? In this case, the “unsafe” action is “commit the transaction with triggers and rules disabled”. But in reality, the unsafe list can be any conditions the developer needs to have exposed, but cannot make visible to the rest of the database.

    An ancillary issue we faced, too, was the fact that any app code needing to suppress triggers and rules (beyond syncing, there were any number of DML requirements where it was undesirable for syncing to occur, and the pg_class manipulations were quite common) had to operate as the super user. While we had not had an incident where the postgres user for mundane operations had burned down the database, there was certainly concern about that potential.

    The resolution I settled on was to construct a pair of functions that made use of the following features:

    • PostgreSQL’s SECURITY DEFINER function attribute
    • Deferred foreign keys

    The first function, safe_disable_trigrules(schema_name text, table_name text), is called after beginning a transaction and makes the necessary modifications to pg_class on behalf of schema_name.table_name. After the work within the transaction is finished, the second function–safe_reenable_trigrules(schema_name text, table_name text)–is called before issuing the commit. It, of course, puts pg_class back to the proper state.

    Under the hood, the two functions create a dependency that only each other can satisfy when used as a non super user. Before safe_disable_trigrules() will manipulate pg_class, it creates a temp table with a self-referencing, deferred foreign key. Then, based on the schema and table args, it will insert a record for the relation defined by the args that violates the FK. Once the transaction’s work is finished, but before committing, safe_reenable_trigrules() is called for every relation that safe_disable_trigrules() was called against and it will delete out the offending record for that relation alone. If the two functions are used properly, by the time of commit, the temp table is empty, thus having no foreign key violations, at which point the transaction can be safely committed. In the process of ensuring the temp table has no foreign key violations, pg_class has been fully restored to its pre-transaction state.

    How each of the identified features is used:

    • Creating the functions with the SECURITY DEFINER attribute, we have now opened an access point for non-privileged users specifically for the purpose of the proscribed interaction with pg_class–and nothing more.
    • The temp table is created and owned by user postgres. There is no chance of the non-privileged user manipulating this table directly, accidentally or otherwise. Thus, the only positive escape for the transaction is through the use of the reenabling function.
    • Deferring the foreign key on the temp table allows us to ensure the transaction is in an invalid state at all times while pg_class is in its vulnerable condition without aborting the transaction.
    • ON COMMIT DROP allows the function to clean up after itself without having to make an explicit decision on the right time to drop the table. It allows a single temp table to be utilized per transaction, regardless of how may different relations will be passed through the trigger and rule disabling process.
    • Before the temp table actually drops, its deferred foreign keys are evaluated. If any rows are left in the table, it means for at least one relation we failed to call the reenable function and the entire transction is aborted rather than risk committing pg_class in the disabled state.

    Converting to this system of pg_class manipulation completely eliminated the instances of finding pg_class in a committed state with triggers and rules disabled for various relations. It also allowed us to convert a number database-dependent scripts and applications from using the postgres user down to the appropriate application users.

    CREATE FUNCTION safe_disable_trigrules (
            schema_name TEXT,
            table_name TEXT
    RETURNS void
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$
        text_table_pk TEXT NOT NULL := '';
        text_fk_table TEXT NOT NULL := '';
        text_cur_min_msg TEXT;
        -- Stop any malicious shenanigans by user overloading
        -- relations or operators in a different schema and
        -- manipulating search_path to use them.
                'pg_catalog, '
        -- Shared PK for table to hold FK in violated state.
        -- This naming convention must not change without also
        -- reflecting the convention in safe_reenable_trigrules()
        -- so that both can immutably create the same name given
        -- the same arguments.
        text_table_pk :=
            schema_name || '_' ||
            table_name || '_' ||
        -- Allowing for the same relation to have triggers and rules
        -- disabled and reenabled multiple times within the same
        -- transaction. On subsequent calls, the temp table will
        -- already exist.
        SELECT setting
        INTO text_cur_min_msg
        FROM pg_settings
        WHERE name = 'client_min_messages';
        UPDATE pg_settings
        SET setting = 'error'
        WHERE name = 'client_min_messages'
            AND text_cur_min_msg IS DISTINCT FROM 'error';
        -- Attempt to create the temp table. If first function call for
        -- transaction, it succeeds; otherwise, it fails silently unless
        -- error is something other than re-creating extant table.
            -- Temp table for this transaction, with same shared
            -- convention as the PK above.
            text_fk_table :=
                'trigrules_' ||
            -- Use ON COMMIT DROP so PG will garbage collect
            -- all such temp tables created within the transaction.
                'CREATE TEMP TABLE ' ||
                    quote_ident(text_fk_table) || ' (
                    id TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
                    fk_id TEXT NOT NULL
                        CONSTRAINT "Must Call safe_reenable_trigrules() Before Commit"
                        REFERENCES ' ||
                        quote_ident(text_fk_table) || '
                        INITIALLY DEFERRED
                ON COMMIT DROP';
                -- Ignore
        UPDATE pg_settings
        SET setting = text_cur_min_msg
        WHERE name = 'client_min_messages'
            AND text_cur_min_msg IS DISTINCT FROM 'error';
        -- Insert new record that violates FK. Allowing for
        -- the function to be gracefully recalled on the same
        -- relation between calls to re-enable triggers and rules.
        EXECUTE '
            INSERT INTO ' ||
            quote_ident(text_fk_table) || '
            SELECT ' ||
                quote_literal(text_table_pk) ||
                ', ' ||
                quote_literal(text_table_pk || 'X') || '
            WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                FROM ' ||
                quote_ident(text_fk_table) || '
                WHERE id = ' ||
                quote_literal(text_table_pk) || '
        -- Disable all rules and triggers on target relation
        UPDATE pg_class SET
            relhasrules = false,
            reltriggers = 0
        FROM pg_namespace
        WHERE pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
            AND pg_namespace.nspname = schema_name
            AND pg_class.relname = table_name;
        -- Abort transaction if relation doesn't exist
                'Table %.% does not exist',
        END IF;
        -- reset search_path for users legitimately overloading
        -- operators or relations.
                        '^pg_catalog, (.*)'
    CREATE FUNCTION safe_reenable_trigrules (
            schema_name TEXT,
            table_name TEXT
    RETURNS void
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$
        text_fk_table TEXT NOT NULL := '';
        text_table_pk TEXT NOT NULL := '';
        int_num_del INTEGER;
        -- Stop any malicious shenanigans by user overloading
        -- relations or operators in a different schema and
        -- manipulating search_path to use them.
                'pg_catalog, '
        -- Re-enable rules and triggers on target
        UPDATE pg_class SET
            reltriggers = (
                SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_trigger
                WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_trigger.tgrelid
            relhasrules = (
                SELECT COUNT(*) > 0
                FROM pg_rules
                WHERE schemaname = schema_name
                    AND tablename = table_name
        FROM pg_namespace
        WHERE pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
            AND pg_namespace.nspname = schema_name
            AND pg_class.relname = table_name;
        -- Shared PK for table to hold FK in violated state.
        -- This naming convention must not change without also
        -- reflecting the convention in safe_disable_trigrules()
        -- so that both can immutably create the same name given
        -- the same arguments.
        text_table_pk :=
            schema_name || '_' ||
            table_name || '_' ||
        -- Temp table for this transaction, with same shared convention
        -- as the PK above.
        text_fk_table :=
            'trigrules_' ||
        -- Remove pertinent row so FK is no longer in violated state
            'DELETE FROM ' ||
            quote_ident(text_fk_table) || '
            WHERE id = ' ||
        GET DIAGNOSTICS int_num_del = ROW_COUNT;
        IF (int_num_del > 0) IS NOT TRUE THEN
                'No entry for %.% set by safe_disable_trigrules()',
        END IF;
        -- reset search_path for users legitimately overloading
        -- operators or relations.
                        '^pg_catalog, (.*)'

    bucardo database postgres
