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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Liquid Galaxy Screen Share Integration

    Alejandro Ramon

    By Alejandro Ramon
    September 29, 2021

    Screen Share Integration

    End Point’s Immersive and Geospatial Division is proud to announce the rollout of our new Screen Share Integration as an extension to the Liquid Galaxy platform’s capabilities. The additional hardware and software configuration can be added to existing installations or included in a solution provided by our sales team.

    Screen Share Integration uses ClickShare, a well-regarded enterprise-grade wireless screen sharing tool already used in the offices of many of our commercial real estate clients. With Screen Share Integration you can push a button to share laptop, desktop, phone, and tablet content directly onto the displays of the Liquid Galaxy or onto an integrated side screen. We expect this to be useful for clients who are interested in sharing videos, spreadsheets, and other ad-hoc interactive media directly from their devices to supplement the main content on screen.

    Why we created this

    In an effort to expand the flexibility of the Liquid Galaxy platform, we thought about what tools our current clients are already using. We acknowledge that there are limitations to the interactivity of certain content types on the platform, and ClickShare is a useful tool for wireless sharing already used by our clients. Recognizing the value in supporting more interactivity with content sources and expanding on the possibility of what can be presented on the system, we invested in this feature to provide more options to our users.

    Who this benefits

    Any client wishing that they could share and interact with data or media from other sources can now seamlessly integrate these media streams onto the Liquid Galaxy mid-presentation, easily enabling and disabling the share as they go through their presentation.

    How it works

    Clients can use a USB-enabled single button device or an application compatible with iOS, Android, Windows, or macOS devices to share the content to their Liquid Galaxy. Using the touchscreen, the user can then place their content onto the main displays in pre-defined windows, seamlessly overlaid on the Liquid Galaxy.

    If you are an existing client and have any questions about this new capability, please email or call us! If you are considering a Liquid Galaxy platform for your organization and would like to learn more, please contact us.

