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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Liquid Galaxy at Austin Startup Week

    Dave Jenkins

    By Dave Jenkins
    December 19, 2018

    We brought the Liquid Galaxy to Austin Startup Week a few weeks ago. This event combines developers, demonstrations, and some great pub crawls for the week. This year, ASW had a particular focus on VR, AR, and data visualization, which made it a great fit for us to show off the Liquid Galaxy platform. We set up our 7-screen system near the event registration, and introduced the technology to hundreds of visitors and dignitaries. We want to specifically thank our gracious hosts at Capital Factory, the main sponsor of ASW.

    The highlight of this year’s conference is the US Army’s Futures Command setting up a new HQ in Austin to be accompanied with a new working lab at Capital Factory. This Command has a mission of finding new interesting technology and adapting it to solve issues facing soldiers in the field. We had some great conversations with many of the people involved. Of particular note, visitors enjoyed the presentations we had that combine map visualizations, 3D objects, and 4K video, all seen simultaneously. We are firmly confident that the Liquid Galaxy can play a role in simulation training, GIS visualization, and mission planning for the relevant agencies.

    The Liquid Galaxy was a great success with the pub crawl portion of ASW—​we can show complex 3D models with the Unity engine, and many of the new startups are working on VR tools. Being able to see VR on a room-sized scale impressed our visitors. Here also, we anticipate some good partnerships and cooperative developments to be coming soon. The pub crawls, as with all things in Austin, were awesome.

    A few more photos of the event in parting:

    Visitors enjoyed exploring their own office views.

    Our initial setup at ASW, showing a simulated Mars Base. The US Air Force representatives at the conference paid particular interest to these sorts of simulated environments.

    visionport event
