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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    systemd: a primer from the trenches

    Ian Neilsen

    By Ian Neilsen
    June 18, 2018

    Gears image by Guy Sie, CC BY-SA 2.0, cropped & scaled

    systemctl: Let’s get back to basics

    ‘‘Help me systemd, you are my only hope.’’

    Sometimes going back to day zero brings clarity to what seems like hopeless or frustrating situation for users from the Unix SysV init world. Caveat: I previously worked at Red Hat for many years before joining the excellent team at End Point and I have been using systemd for as long. I quite honestly have forgotten most of the SysV init days. Although at End Point we work daily on Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, and BSD variants.

    Here is a short and sweet primer to get your fingers wet, before we dive into some of the heavier subjects with systemd.

    Did you know that systemd has many utilities you can run?

    • systemctl
    • timedatectl
    • journalctl
    • loginctl
    • systemd-notify
    • systemd-analyze - analyze system
    • systemd-cgls - show cgroup tree
    • systemd-cgtop
    • systemd-nspawn

    And systemd consists of several daemons:

    • systemd
    • journald
    • networkd
    • logind
    • timedated
    • udevd
    • system-boot
    • tmpfiles
    • session

    That’s a long way from the old SysV init days. But in all essence it’s not that different. The one thing that stands out to me is we have more information with less typing then previously. That can only be a good thing, right?

    Well, let’s see! There are many many web pages out there that list systemd or systemctl switches/​flags. However in everyday use I want to speed up the work I do, I want information at my fingertips, and I find flags and switches which mean something sure do make it easier.

    Pro Tip 1: Tab completion

    Before you begin playing with the commands, you should install bash-completion. Some distros don’t auto-complete with systemd until you install that, and without tab auto-completion you miss out on a lot of systemctl.

    As an example when you tab for completion you will see many of the systemctl options:

    # systemctl
    add-requires           enable                 is-system-running      preset                 show
    add-wants              exit                   kexec                  preset-all             show-environment
    cancel                 force-reload           kill                   reboot                 start
    cat                    get-default            link                   reenable               status
    condreload             halt                   list-dependencies      reload                 stop
    condrestart            help                   list-jobs              reload-or-restart      suspend
    condstop               hibernate              list-machines          rescue                 switch-root
    daemon-reexec          hybrid-sleep           list-sockets           reset-failed           try-reload-or-restart
    daemon-reload          import-environment     list-timers            restart                try-restart
    default                is-active              list-unit-files        revert                 unmask
    disable                is-enabled             list-units             set-default            unset-environment
    edit                   is-failed              mask                   set-environment
    emergency              isolate                poweroff               set-property

    systemctl vs. old school commands

    Here we will list out new systemctl commands and the corresponding old SysV command, followed by systemctl flags and explanation.

    Go ahead and run each command to get a feel for what it displays. Remember each command usually has switches/​flags you can use.

    Let’s start at the top and work down:


    Formerly: service

    Used in conjunction with ABRT it can show you some great debug info and runtime metadata, categorized by their respective groupings of loaded, active, running and a description of the unit.

    systemctl status

    Formerly: service --status-all or initctl list.

    Check all system services’ status. Normally during a server update I will run this and output it to a file. When the server reboots I can run it again and diff this file to ensure all things started.

    The output is great. It shows me the PID path and potentially the arguments which were run for the process or service. Saves me psing the process.

    Note that each distro deals differently with service --status-all output.

    systemctl status serviceName -l

    Formerly: service serviceName status

    Good flags: is-active, -a, -l

    As it suggests, show me the status and information related to the service unit file. Other good info included is whether the service is enabled or chkconfig is on, uptime, PID and cgroup info, and any other information associated with the service.


    • The -l flag will usually output enough information to diagnose a service start or reload problem without having to go into the logs.
    • You can view more than one service by separating them with spaces, e.g.: systemctl status httpd mysql postfix.

    systemctl enable|disable NameofService

    Formerly: chkconfig ServiceName on|off

    You might find on some distros that chkconfig is still present. It doesn’t do what you think it does with systemd systems.

    systemctl start|stop|restart httpd

    Formerly: service httpd start|stop|restart

    Good unit commands: reload-or-restart

    As it suggests, start, stop, or restart services/​processes/​units.

    The reload-or-restart command tells the services to reload if it is able and if not then restart, similar to the old service serviceName force-reload. Some services don’t allow a reload. Nagios is one example where a reload-or-restart works because it doesn’t allow reloads.

    systemctl reload httpd

    Formerly: service httpd reload

    Perform a graceful reload of a configuration you may have just changed. Example: I’ve just made some changes to httpd conf and need to gracefully reload them without restarting the web service.

    systemctl daemon reload

    Formerly: chkconfig serviceName --add

    Graceful reloads configuration files on a running service/​process. See below for an explanation of “daemon reload”. Basically, if you have added in a new service and made many config changes, use daemon-reload.

    systemctl list-unit-files

    Good flags: --type=service

    Formerly: ls /etc/rc.d/init.d/ /etc/rc.d/rc.local

    Prints unit files from /usr/lib/systemd/system/ and /etc/systemd/system/. Slightly different to list-units; rarely used but has any interesting output. You may want to use this in monitoring scripts you write.

    systemctl list-units

    Good flags: -a (--all), -t serviceName


    chkconfig --list
    ls /etc/rc.d/init.d/ /etc/rc.d/rc.local
    initctl list

    I prefer to use list-units over list-unit-files. It shows more information and is shorter to type. Or you could install the sysvinit-utils package, which by default is not installed on systemd distros.

    systemctl list-sockets


    ss -s
    cat /proc/net/*

    Sockets of all types can be viewed from one command. Although time to time I will still use lsof or ss depending on the socket type I want to look at.

    systemctl list-timers

    Formerly: crontab -e

    systemd offers a way to schedule tasks like crontab. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say they both do the same thing, except systemd timers may be more readable by human eyes, are logged to the journal, easier to debug and enable or disable.

    My caveat is that I still use cron jobs in my daily work, because I’m familiar with them and emailing is still an issue from a timer.


    • set a systemd timer to a calendar day, month, year to trigger.

    systemctl list-jobs

    Requires further explanation in another blog post.

    systemctl –failed

    Show me failed services. systemctl status will highlight at the top if units have failed, especially useful after a reboot.

    systemctl get-default


    chkconfig --list

    To list targets run systemctl list-units -t target.

    Gets the run level default for the system. Not often used, but good to know when you start having boot issues or need to change to a different run level to fix things.


    • There are many tables comparing the SysV runlevels to systemd. Get your Google on and search.
    • systemctl set-default graphical.target will set a graphical user shell. For all those that like a good desktop.

    systemctl set-default multi-user.target

    Formerly: telinit runlevel

    The systemd multi-user.target is equivalent to runlevels 2, 3, and 4.

    systemctl shutdown or reboot

    Formerly: shutdown -r|-h now

    Reboot/shutdown and poweroff the system. Personally I still use shutdown.

    systemctl cat serviceName

    Formerly: cat /etc/init.d/$init_file

    Shows me the system service (unit) file contents and options. We will go more into these commands later as we work through building and maintaining our own unit files.


    • systemctl cat shows all unit file information and snippets involved with the unit file.
    • If you use Vim and Arch Linux, you can enable vim-systemd to help with syntax highlighting.

    systemctl list-dependencies serviceName

    What’s really depending on a given service. The --all flag will show everything from --before, --after, --reverse.

    systemctl show serviceName

    Flags: -p shows a single property of a service.

    Shows more than using systemctl cat servicename. Don’t forget tab completion is your friend. Running the -p flag and using tab will help you.

    systemctl mask serviceName

    Formerly: update-rc.d serviceName disable

    Never want someone starting a service ever? mask is your friend and a little sneaky. See if your system admins pick this one up. Good April Fool’s day trick on them. Use unmask to return it to its normal state.

    systemctl edit serviceName

    Formerly: edit /etc/init.d/scriptName

    Good options: --full

    Yes, that’s right! Edit the service file without having to go find it on disk. That has saved me a bit of time.


    • Careful with this. The plain edit creates an override file in /etc/systemd/system to complement the original unit file.
    • If you need to edit the original unit file use the --full flag, which allows you to edit the unit file without creating a snippet.
    • If you make a mistake in your unit file: systemctl revert serviceName

    systemctl -o

    Formerly: Edit Apache config to set log level to warn or debug, /etc/init.d/httpd reload, view logs

    Good options: --output=verbose

    Particularly good if you have a service acting up. Outputs a short standard message or a very verbose message using different flags.


    • journalctl -u serviceName can help you here, but I often find it easier to include --output=verbose

    systemctl isolate

    This deserves its own small blog post. Isolate can be used to rescue systems automagically following kernel reboot failures, but requires some special work.


    Check your unit files to see if someone has been changing things on you. Especially useful if you are writing your own unit files.


    • Used in conjunction with systemctl cat or edit, delta can help you see what was what.


    1. Sometimes you need to use the suffix such as ‘config_file@openvpn.service’. systemd will always think services are services unless you use the suffix like .target or .socket, so make sure you tell the system so.
    2. If you want multiple services running use a prefix, such as; ssh1@sshd.service ssh2@sshd.service with different configs. Handy for multiple openvpn servers.
    3. Mount points will always be determined as mount points.
    4. If you have made a lot of configuration changes and want to gracefully load these without restarting everything try systemctl daemon reload. This is not the same as the above reload action. Daemon reload is for systemd and not the unit files it controls. This is a safe command to run since it keeps sockets open while it does its thing.
    5. Reboots on newer systems only really need to be done when new kernels are presented. Systemd is gracious and good at processing new packages and enabling these changes during a yum update.
    6. Autocomplete on CentOS is not present until you install bash-completion. systemctl takes on a life of its own when you install this utility. Tabbing out will list all systemctl options. Very handy!
    7. Systemd does not use the /etc/inittab file even if you have it present.
    8. Converting your init scripts to systemd is easier than you think. Create a systemd unit file and add in 10 basic lines to call the bin or init script. You have basically created a systemd managed init script. Don’t forget to go back and one day convert it completely.
    9. Targets vs. runlevels: A target in systemd is a runlevel in sysV, names replace numbers; runlevel 3 = multi-user.target, runlevel 1 = rescue.target

    Who’s got the goods on speed?

    Is systemd faster than SysV init? Parallel processing says it is? You be the judge!

    One great test is to build a new machine which doesn’t have systemd installed. Reboot the machine and check your boot time. On an older SysV system you may have use “tuned”, “systemtap”, “numastat” etc. to gather performance information.

    Then install systemd. Better still, upgrade from a old version of Linux to a new version of linux from ‘init’ to ‘systemd’ and then run ‘systemd-analyze’.

    systemd-analyze will show you boot times. Notice that systemd starts fewer services at boot because it only starts what is necessary to get the server booting.

    Not a bad way to collect a baseline on a newly-built server. Add it to your Ansible facts for the server so you have a historical view and collection of boot times. In fact add it to your monitoring system and be proactive in your monitoring of server boot times while performing your maintenance cycles.

    How do you see what is taking its sweet time during boot or what is borking your beautiful server following an update/​upgrade? Wonder no more!

    # systemd-analyze blame
    # systemd-analyze time

    For example on my system, I can see that my top 10 culprits for a potentially slow boot are:

    # systemd-analyze blame
              7.346s dracut-initqueue.service
              6.787s systemd-cryptsetup@luks.service
              5.378s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
              2.308s abrtd.service
              1.444s docker.service
              1.395s plymouth-quit-wait.service
              1.358s lvm2-pvscan@8:1.service
              1.145s lvm2-pvscan@253:0.service
              1.072s fwupd.service
               609ms docker-storage-setup.service

    I might disable the Docker service by systemctl disable docker and start it when I need it.

    What else can systemd-analyze show me?

    # systemd-analyze critical-chain
    The time after the unit is active or started is printed after the "@" character.
    The time the unit takes to start is printed after the "+" character.
    graphical.target @5.209s
    └─multi-user.target @5.209s
      └─abrt-journal-core.service @5.209s
        └─abrtd.service @2.897s +2.308s
          └─livesys.service @2.881s +13ms
            └─basic.target @2.804s
              └─sockets.target @2.804s
                └─dbus.socket @2.804s
                  └─sysinit.target @2.797s
                    └─systemd-update-utmp.service @2.782s +14ms
                      └─auditd.service @2.634s +145ms
                        └─systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service @2.590s +41ms
                          └─fedora-import-state.service @2.566s +22ms
                            └─local-fs.target @2.562s
                              └─run-user-42.mount @4.614s
                                └─local-fs-pre.target @964ms
                                  └─lvm2-monitor.service @321ms +442ms
                                    └─dm-event.socket @320ms

    Let’s look at how long our network targets take to start:

    # systemd-analyze critical-chain network.target
    The time after the unit is active or started is printed after the "@" character.
    The time the unit takes to start is printed after the "+" character.
    network.target @2.618s
    └─network.service @2.403s +214ms
      └─NetworkManager-wait-online.service @1.458s +941ms
        └─NetworkManager.service @1.417s +40ms
          └─network-pre.target @1.415s
            └─firewalld.service @976ms +438ms
              └─polkit.service @891ms +83ms
                └─basic.target @885ms
                  └─paths.target @885ms
                    └─brandbot.path @885ms
                      └─sysinit.target @881ms
                        └─systemd-update-utmp.service @872ms +7ms
                          └─auditd.service @702ms +168ms
                            └─systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service @676ms +24ms
                              └─rhel-import-state.service @653ms +22ms
                                └─local-fs.target @652ms
                                  └─boot.mount @523ms +128ms
                                    └─local-fs-pre.target @522ms
                                      └─lvm2-monitor.service @369ms +152ms
                                        └─lvm2-lvmetad.service @397ms
                                          └─lvm2-lvmetad.socket @368ms

    Let’s go one step further and output the entire system hierarchy. With this one you get a nice image:

    # systemd-analyze dot | dot -Tpng -o system-stuff.png

    Pro Tip 2: Remote commands

    I have a server which needs a service restarted or checked constantly. Running systemctl remotely will show me or allow me to do this:

    # systemctl status sshd -H root@server.domain.tld


    # systemctl -H root@server.domain.tld status httpd

    I might make an alias for it. Obviously this is a pretty useless example, if you’re having to manually do this for a service/​process you should fix the problem on the server. However for edge cases it can be quite handy. Use your imagination: We could use this for monitoring which takes a local ssh user found on all machines and pass this for some returned output to a monitoring server.

    Pro Tip 3: What relies on my service

    Figure out what targets/​runlevel a target runs at:

    # systemctl show httpd -p wants multi-user.target

    Pro Tip 4: Monitoring

    Check processes, service association, and busiest processes. You can still grep/​awk the output if you wish.

    Instead of using top or something like this:

    ps xawf -eo pid,user,cgroup,args

    use the following:

    # systemd-cgls
    # systemd-cgtop

    Summing up

    I know this is only touching the surface of systemctl or systemd as whole but from a day-to-day context this should help you play in the systemd world. I think the biggest part that people struggle with is workable, usable examples.

    Stay tuned for future posts on unit files, unit targets, systemctl isolate and slices, journalctl, timedatectl, and loginctl.

    hosting systemd
