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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    co:collective Doable Innovation Software

    co:collective is a growth accelerator that works with leadership teams to conceive and execute innovation in the customer experience using a proprietary methodology called StoryDoing.

    Doable, one of co:collective’s recent innovations, is a cloud-based platform designed to empower employees to meaningfully contribute and collaborate on ideas that move their business forward. The tool allows companies to solicit ideas from employees at all levels of an organization, filter down those ideas, make decisions as a team, and then implement a project—​all the while collaborating in a fun and easy-to-use application. Over 200 companies across multiple sectors use Doable to create new products, new features, and problem solve to keep their business growing.

    co:collective engaged End Point’s front-end developer Kamil Ciemniewski to work with their in-house development team led by Tommy Dunn. Kamil joined the Doable effort to refactor the Doable application which was moving from a classic Ruby on Rails-based application to an Angular frontend application with a Ruby on Rails backend. Kamil has been working with Doable since March to complete the application re-write and the project has gone immensely well. Kamil brings extensive frontend and backend knowledge to co:collective and together they’ve been able to refactor their site to be more efficient and powerful than before.

    case-study clients
