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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Successful First GEOINT Symposium for End Point Liquid Galaxy

    Ben Witten

    By Ben Witten
    June 16, 2017

    This past week, End Point attended GEOINT Symposium to showcase Liquid Galaxy as an immersive panoramic GIS solution to GEOINT attendees and exhibitors alike.

    At the show, we showcased Cesium integrating with ArcGIS and WMS, Google Earth, Street View, Sketchfab, Unity, and panoramic video. Using our Content Management System, we created content around these various features so visitors to our booth could take in the full spectrum of capabilities that the Liquid Galaxy provides.

    Additionally, we were able to take data feeds for multiple other booths and display their content during the show! Our work served to show everyone at the conference that the Liquid Galaxy is a data-agnostic immersive platform that can handle any sort of data stream and offer data in a brilliant display. This can be used to show your large complex data sets in briefing rooms, conference rooms, or command centers.

    Given the incredible draw of the Liquid Galaxy, the GEOINT team took special interest in our system and formally interviewed Ben Goldstein in front of the system to learn more! You can view the video of the interview here:

    We look forward to developing the relationships we created at GEOINT, and hope to participate further in this great community moving forward. If you would like to learn more please visit our Liquid Galaxy website!

    cesium conference event visionport unity
