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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Liquid Galaxy Success at U.S. Embassy’s Cultural Center

    Ben Witten

    By Ben Witten
    February 2, 2017

    The U.S. Embassy to Jakarta features a high-tech cultural center called “@america”. @america’s mission is to provide a space for young Indonesians to learn more about the United States through discussions, cultural performances, debates, competitions and exhibitions.

    Since Google generously donated it six years ago, @america has had a Liquid Galaxy deployed for use at the center. Not until recently, however, has @america taken advantage of our Content Management System. This past year, End Point developed and rolled out a revamped and powerful Content Management System for the fleet of Liquid Galaxies we support. With the updated Content Management System, End Point’s Content Team created a specialized Interactive Education Portal on @america’s Liquid Galaxy. The Education Portal featured over 50 high quality, interactive university experiences. Thanks to the CMS, the Liquid Galaxy now shows campus videos, university statistics, and fly-tos and orbits around the schools. The campus videos included both recruitment videos, as well as student-created videos on topics like housing, campus sports, and religion. These university experiences allow young Indonesians the opportunity to learn more about U.S. Universities and culture.

    @America and the US Embassy report that from December through the end of January, already more than 16,500 Indonesians have had the opportunity to engage with the Education Portal while visiting @america. We are thankful to have had the opportunity to help the US Embassy use their Liquid Galaxy for such a positive educational cause.

    Liquid Galaxy systems are installed at educational institutions, from embassies to research libraries, around the world. If you’d like to learn more about Liquid Galaxy, please contact us here.

    visionport clients education
