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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    End Point Rings the Morning Bell for Small Business

    Ben Witten

    By Ben Witten
    January 20, 2017

    Recently Chase unveiled a digital campaign for Chase for Business by asking small businesses to submit themselves ringing their own morning bells every day when they open for business. Chase would select one video every day to post on their website and to play on their big screen in Times Square.

    A few months back, Chase chose to feature End Point for their competition! They sent a full production team to our office to film us and how we ring the morning bell.

    In preparation for Chase, we built a Liquid Galaxy presentation for Chase on our content management system. The presentation consisted of two scenes. In scene 1, we had “Welcome to Liquid Galaxy” written out across the outside four screens. We displayed the End Point Liquid Galaxy logo on the center screen, and set the system to orbit around the globe. In scene 2, the Liquid Galaxy flies to Chase’s Headquarter office in New York City, and orbits around their office. Two bells ring, each shown across two screens. The bell videos used were courtesy of Rayden Mizzi and St Gabriel’s Church. Our logo continues to display on the center screen, and the Chase for Business website is shown on a screen as well.

    The video that Chase created (shown above) features our CEO Rick giving an introduction of our company and then clicking on the Liquid Galaxy’s touchscreen to launch into the presentation.

    We had a great time working with Chase, and were thrilled that they chose to showcase our company as part of their work to promote small businesses! To learn more about the Liquid Galaxy, you can visit our Liquid Galaxy website or contact us here.

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