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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Liquid Galaxy on PBS

    Ben Witten

    By Ben Witten
    July 12, 2016

    PBS recently aired a segment about the Liquid Galaxy! Just before we presented at New York Tech Meetup, we were interviewed about the Liquid Galaxy for SciTech Now, a PBS publication. The interview took place in NYU’s Skirball Center For The Performing Arts, which is where New York Tech Meetup takes place every month.

    The Liquid Galaxy segment, which can be viewed above, features Ben Goldstein and me talking with complementary visuals playing at the same time.

    Ben Goldstein opens the segment by talking about how the Liquid Galaxy is a panoramic system that engages your peripheral vision, and is immersive in that way.

    I go on to add that the system consists of large paneled screens set up in an arch around the viewer. The Liquid Galaxy includes a touchscreen and 3D joystick that allows users can fly around the world. From there, with the use of End Point’s Content Management System, users can add images, video, kml, other overlay, to add interactivity and build custom presentations on the system. Thus far, the Liquid Galaxy has been particularly popular in real estate, museums, aquariums, research libraries, hospitality, and travel.

    Ben concludes the segment by talking about how the system kind of plays “follow the leader”. Navigation occurs on the central display, while the other displays are configured at appropriate geometric offsets. The other displays pull down their appropriate section of the world so that the viewer can see the world in an immersive panoramic view all at once.

    We hope you enjoy our segment!

