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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Sketchfab on the Liquid Galaxy

    Ben Witten

    By Ben Witten
    May 12, 2016

    For the last few weeks, our developers have been working on syncing our Liquid Galaxy with Sketchfab. Our integration makes use of the Sketchfab API to synchronize multiple instances of Sketchfab in the immersive and panoramic environment of the Liquid Galaxy. The Liquid Galaxy already has so many amazing capabilities, and to be able to add Sketchfab to our portfolio is very exciting for us! Sketchfab, known as the “YouTube for 3D files,” is the leading platform to publish and find 3D and VR content. Sketchfab integrates with all major 3D creation tools and publishing platforms, and is the 3D publishing partner of Adobe Photoshop, Facebook, Microsoft HoloLens and Intel RealSense. Given that Sketchfab can sync with almost any 3D format, we are excited about the new capabilities our integration provides.

    Sketchfab content can be deployed onto the system in minutes! Users from many industries use Sketchfab, including architecture, hospitals, museums, gaming, design, and education. There is a natural overlap between the Liquid Galaxy and Sketchfab, as members of all of these industries utilize the Liquid Galaxy for its visually stunning and immersive atmosphere.

    We recently had Alban Denoyel, cofounder of Sketchfab, into our office to demo Sketchfab on the Liquid Galaxy. We’re happy to report that Alban loved it! He told us about new features that are going to be coming out on Sketchfab soon. These features will automatically roll out to Sketchfab content on the Liquid Galaxy system, and will serve to make the Liquid Galaxy’s pull with 3D modeling even greater.

    We’re thrilled with how well Sketchfab works on our Liquid Galaxy as is, but we’re in the process of making it even more impressive. Some Sketchfab models take a bit of time to load (on their website and on our system), so our developers are working on having models load in the background so they can be activated instantaneously on the system. We will also be extending our Sketchfab implementation to make use of some of the features already present on Sketchfab’s excellent API, including displaying model annotations and animating the models.

    You can view a video of Sketchfab content on the Liquid Galaxy below. If you’d like to learn more, you can call us at 212-929-6923, or contact us here.

