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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Liquid Galaxy for Real Estate

    Ben Witten

    By Ben Witten
    April 22, 2016

    The Liquid Galaxy, an immersive and panoramic presentation tool, is the perfect fit for any time you want to grab the attention of your audience and leave a lasting impression. The system has applications in a variety of industries (which include museums and aquariums, hospitality and travel, research libraries at universities, events, and real estate, to name a few) but no industry’s demand rivals the popularity seen in real estate.

    The Liquid Galaxy provides an excellent tool for real estate brokerages and land use agencies to showcase their properties with multiple large screens showing 3D building models and complete Google Earth data. End Point can configure the Liquid Galaxy to highlight specific buildings, areas on the map, or any set of correlated land use data, which can then be shown in a dazzling display that forms the centerpiece of a conference room or lobby. We can program the Liquid Galaxy to show floor plans, panoramic interior photos, and even Google Street View “walking tours” around a given property.

    A Liquid Galaxy in your office will provide your firm with a sophisticated and cutting edge sales tool. You will depart from the traditional ways of viewing, presenting, and even managing real estate sites by introducing your clients to multiple prime locations and properties in a wholly unique, professional and visually stunning manner. We can even highlight amenities such as mass transit, road usage, and basic demographic data for proper context.

    The Liquid Galaxy allows your clients an in-depth contextual tour of multiple listings in the comfort of your office without having to travel to multiple locations. Liquid Galaxy brings properties to the client instead of taking the client to every property. This saves time and energy for both you and your prospective clients, and sets your brokerage apart as a technology leader in the market.

    If you’d like to learn more about the Liquid Galaxy, you can call us at 212-929-6923, or contact us here.

