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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Brazilian Portuguese Liquid Galaxy website launch!

    Marco Manchego

    By Marco Manchego
    November 17, 2014

    End Point Corporation is pleased to announce the official launch of its new Brazilian Portuguese Liquid Galaxy website! The site, found at liquidgalaxy.pt.endpoint.com (now at visionport.com) officially signals the arrival of End Point’s Liquid Galaxy to Brazil, and aims to provide service to all current and future customers in what is South America’s largest and most dynamic market.

    With a population over 200 million, Brazil is also a quick adopter of new technologies with sizeable industry sectors that can benefit directly from the implementation of a Liquid Galaxy. This includes a massive commodities sector, booming real estate, tourism and a vibrant media market, all of which are strong candidates for the technology.

    Brazil is also a logical entry-point into the larger South American market in general. We’re confident that as we increase market penetration in Brazil, other opportunities in the region will soon follow. Dave Jenkins, our VP of Sales and Marketing, offers the following: “We’re excited to see this expansion into Brazil. I always see great things coming out of São Paulo and Rio whenever I go there for tech conferences, which are always booked to overflowing levels.”

    If you have international business in South America, or are based in Brazil and would like to know more about this great technology, please see our Liquid Galaxy website.

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