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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    GIS Visualizations on the Liquid Galaxy

    Dave Jenkins

    By Dave Jenkins
    March 25, 2014

    The Liquid Galaxy presents an incredible opportunity to view Google Earth and Google Street View, but did you know that the platform is also amaza-crazy good at visualizing GIS data?

    Geographic Information Systems are concerned with collecting, storing, and manipulating data sets that include geographic coordinates, and with displaying this raw and analyzed data on maps. In the 2D world this usually involves colored pencils or highlighted polygons. As computing power advances many GIS consultancies have extended the GIS visualization methods to see complex 3D visualizations on digital maps. The Liquid Galaxy takes this concept forward another step: see your data across an immense landscape of pixels in a geometrically-adjusted immersive world.

    The Liquid Galaxy has separate instances of Google Earth running on each screen. In a standard Liquid Galaxy this means that each 1080x1920 screen is getting a full resolution image. It also means that the viewing angle for each screen matches the physical angle of that screen. Together, those elements can show geographical information at an incredible scale and resolution.

    End Point has developed skills and methods to take GIS data sets (commonly found as KML files, but any spreadsheet of data with latitude and longitude can be adapted), apply the geometric adjustments for multiple screens, and build incredible presentations for our clients. Sample data (in the video) includes: utility power usage, offshore oil & gas leases, population growth by state, school districts, and earthquakes along the San Andreas fault.

    End Point welcomes the opportunity to work with GIS consultancies in bringing their data to the Liquid Galaxy and then presenting an immersive visual platform to their clients and customers. For more information, please see our Liquid Galaxy website.

    visualization gis visionport
