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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Liquid Galaxy Website Launch

    Brian Dillon

    By Brian Dillon
    April 17, 2012

    We have just launched a new site to promote our Liquid Galaxy turn-key systems, our suite of Liquid Galaxy services, as well as presenting the current range of the Liquid Galaxy’s capabilities.

    Check the Liquid Galaxy Website here.

    End Point has been developing the Google Liquid Galaxy project into a commercially available platform over the last two years. In case you are unfamiliar with the Liquid Galaxy project here is a brief rundown:

    • Originally developed by engineers at Google on their 20% time
    • Provides an immersive viewing environment for Google Earth by running multiple instances of the software synced across any number of displays
    • The core software is available as open source

    So far the majority of the people using this system (only a small number to date) are advanced hackers and hobbyists who have set up mini versions using computer display monitors. Some of these talented developers have completed projects like porting open source video games or experimenting with different display configurations.

    Meanwhile, End Point has been hard at work developing a standardized, portable, and robust turn-key version of the Liquid Galaxy system. Through trial and error and the experience of configuring and installing over 30 Liquid Galaxies worldwide, we’ve come up with the best and most reliable approach to building and maintaining a Liquid Galaxy system for real world use.

    We’ve added remote monitoring and support, optimized the code and performance of the system, created custom stands and mounts, and sourced high quality components. This allows us to easily configure, install, and support a Liquid Galaxy system for your organization. No technical knowledge is needed from your company to take advantage of this exciting new display technology.

    If you are interested in learning more about purchasing or renting a turn-key Liquid Galaxy system head on over to our new Liquid Galaxy website where you will find contact information and can start a conversation with us. We love talking to anyone about the Liquid Galaxy, whether you’re interested in purchasing a system, or just curious to learn more. You can even schedule a visit to our New York office to see it up close in person.

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