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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Backcountry.com, CityPASS, and Zapp’s in the news

    Jon Jensen

    By Jon Jensen
    August 17, 2010

    I want to call attention to a few of our clients who have been in the news lately.

    Today, Backcountry.com’s CIO Kelly Phillipps spoke at the NRFtech 2010 conference in California on cultivating community and encouraging user-contributed content, and why Backcountry.com invests so much in building its community.

    About a month ago, CityPASS was featured in a spot on the Today Show about hostess gifts. A lot of viewers visited the website as the spot aired in each of the U.S. time zones!

    Finally, we were sad to learn that Zapp’s Potato Chips founder Ron Zappe passed away in June. He had quite an adventure building his two companies, first in oilfield services in Texas, then in 1985 with his potato chips company focused on spicy Cajun chips. Their online store is simple—​their products are excellent!

