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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    PgCon: the developer’s meeting and the 2009 keynote

    Selena Deckelmann

    By Selena Deckelmann
    May 21, 2009

    Yesterday, I spent the entire day at a Postgres Developers meeting, discussing what happened over the last year, and how we’re going to tackle a series of critical problems in the next year. We talked about how to get the Synchronous Replication and Hot Standby patches completed, important adoption issues, our continued participation in the SQL Standards committee (a surprising number of people were interested!), moving forward with alpha releases after commitfests (woo!), and creating a better infrastucture for managing modules and addons to Postgres.

    That evening, a few of us were treated by Paul Vallee of Pythian Group to dinner and a trip to another of Ottawa’s great local pubs. We discussed the future of open source databases and the relative quality of beer in Ottawa, Portland and the UK. Of course, I think Portland has the best beer ;)

    This morning, Dan introduced everyone to the start of the sessions, and then Dave, Magnus and I managed to get through the keynote. It was mostly an opportunity to announce 8.4 Beta2, plug a few of the talks and mention all the different individuals involved in development. And have a laugh about our conference tshirts.

    I have an hour and a half until I give the Power psql talk and then tonight is the big EnterpriseDB party. And one more talk tomorrow. And lightning talks. What a full conference :)

    conference postgres
