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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    End Point Launches New Website

    By Brian Dunn
    February 1, 2006

    End Point rang in the new year with a brand new corporate website at endpoint.com!

    This new site replaces a design that served End Point through five years of rapid growth. The new site will help propel the company into its next stage by highlighting End Point’s depth and breadth of expertise, the company’s dedication to providing excellent customer service, and our belief in innovative technological solutions.

    Visitors to the site can now get a better, more-telling picture of End Point as a company, can learn the company’s background, and can get to know the world-class developers who make up our engineering team.

    As part of our devotion to technology, the site now includes regularly appearing Technology News updates that investigate new technologies and assess their usefulness and potential benefit for End Point clients.

    We’re excited about the way the new site represents our company and are proud of the positive message of broad capability and client satisfaction it conveys.

